10,000 Metric tons of wheat gifted to Afghanistan

10,000 Metric tons of wheat gifted to Afghanistan


10,000 Metric tons of wheat gifted to Afghanistan

India continues with its dedication to promoting the stability and prosperity of Afghanistan by widening the channels for aid distribution, as per Khaama Press.

To help Afghanistan to grapple with the extreme food crises, India has gifted 10,000 metric tons of wheat to the landlocked country.

Earlier in 2022, the first wheat assistance delivery of 40,000 tons from India was carried out through Pakistan’s land border. However Pakistan had created lots of problem in this.

Therefore last month, the Indian government had sent another 20,000 metric tons of wheat to Afghanistan amid a humanitarian crisis in the country using Iran’s Chabahar port, Afghanistan-based Khaama Press reported. Now the present 10,000 metric tons of wheat has reached the Herat city of Afghanistan on Tuesday, United Nations World for Food Programme (UNWFP) said in a tweet.

“Wheat donated by the Government of #India @MEAIndia @dpa_meato @WFP arrived in Herat where it was milled for distribution to hungry families across #Afghanistan. This wheat is part of an in-kind contribution of 10,000 metric tons from India on top of 40,000 tons in 2022,” UN WFP stated in the tweet.

Afghanistan, is facing its worst humanitarian crisis. According to a World Food Program assessment, Afghanistan is one of the nations with extreme food insecurity, with nine million people affected by severe economic difficulties and hunger.