Musharraf Gone Mad

Musharraf Gone Mad


General Pervez Musharraf retd of the Pakistan Arny, a former Chief and even a former President is now boasting of doing something which he was unable to do while in service. That is teaching a lesson to the Indian Army. Now at least verbally he is trying his level best to hit back hard against the Indian Army.

Admonishing Indian Army Chief, the ex- Army chief tweeted, “Let India put something into practice first, they will be taught a lesson. Yes, it’s time to give it back to them in the same coin, not resorting to similar kind of barbarism. But, I think the other side must also feel the same pain.”

He said that Indian should realise that Pakistan army is brave and one of the best in the world. “Pakistan army is a hardened army. It is fighting in FATA and also has complete civilian support,” he said.

Yes, India is fully aware of the capabilities of the Pakistan Army and we closely observed the behaviour of around 90000 of their Officers and men when they were guest in various camps in India. We also had seen their bravery during the Kargil war and it was only because of the respect of their bravery that we handed over hundreds of bodies back to Pakistan for proper burial. Though initially Pakistan had refused to even acknowledge them as their soldiers.

So now, Indians can Only laugh at Musharraf when he said that India should learn a lesson from the Kargil incident and the 2002 attack on Indian parliament. He recalled that India attempted to mobilise its forces to the eastern border, but Pakistan army sensed it and India was taken back and had to retreat their forces.

“There should be no misunderstanding. Those days are of wearing tilted hats for style are long gone. If there is war, India will be taught a befitting lesson,” he said.

for his political gains.”
Ha ha ha …..dear Musharraf, first save your self from being thrown inside a Pakistani jail and thereafter talk about India.