Trifurcation of J&K One way to Resolve the Tangle

Trifurcation of J&K One way to Resolve the Tangle


Out of job Omar Abdullah has expressed his concern on the Union government’s “ambiguous stand” on Article 35-A of the Constitution.

He has asserted that the National Conference would not allow anyone to fiddle with the special provisions applicable to the State of J&K.

National Conference vice president Omar Abdullah said granting autonomy is the only “pragmatic solution” to the decades-old problem of Jammu and Kashmir.

He wants that Government of India should implement the resolution of autonomy which was passed by state legislative assembly in 2000.

So the people of India is going to be dictated by a handful of separatists who are holding the people of an entire State to ransom.

“It is the only pragmatic solution to the age-old problem. J&K is a unique state and needs special dispensation in terms of regional autonomy to satisfy the needs of the state,” said Omar, addressing a provincial meet of party functionaries.

The separatists with help of Pakistan backed terrorists are desperately trying to turn the situation in the valley to their advantage but are getting thwarted at each stage.

Every day we hear news about killings of innocent civilians by terrorists across the state. People of not only Jammu region but also of South Kashmir are already boiling against such cowardly actions of terrorist groups.

Pakistan has totally lost any type of control over these groups who are just resorting to insane killings and in turn are being hunted down by the Security Forces and the Indian Army in joint operations. Omar said the people in the state are suffering.

“The situation on ground is a mess and the security scenario has deteriorated. The youths of Kashmir are at the receiving end of all these terrorist actions.

So now the question arises as to why the people of Jammu and Ladhak region continue to be held to ransom because of the follues of a handful of Hurriyat separatists. A major way out is to trifurcate the State.

There can be three Union Territories namely Ladhak, Kashmir and Jammu. After just one five year cycle of purposeful developmental administration, the people of Kashmir UT will realize the havoc being created by Hurriyats.