The Truth, The Whole Truth And The Only Truth

The Truth, The Whole Truth And The Only Truth


The Truth, The Whole Truth And The Only Truth

To start with, Carona or No Carona, the poor have been living with half filled or empty stomach and in make shift or unhygenic, overflowing, shelters since ages and definitely since 1947. This was normal for them and accepted as fate, punishment for sins of previous life, etc.

What has angered them now in this forced MIGRATION is the lack of empathy and support from their host states and their employers, who disowned and failed them in their crisis. These states were using them to build up their prosperity but discarded them at first sign of a problem.

Hence, it was a situation that was ripe to be ignited. The third rate media added salt to their wounds and the opposition parties, not missing on any opportunity to show ruling party in bad light, lapped it up and took advantage of it.

Though in the first place the major opposition party, the Congress has itself been responsible in the first place for the move of these migrants from their home state to these far of areas. For last 60 years of Congress rule the BIMARU states remained totally economically Sick or Bimar.

The bureaucrats at both Central and State level certainly messed up everything. Where was the planning and forethought of the great Steel Frame of India ? Thank god the whole situation was not foisted over to the Armed Forces, though they would have done a super job to restore normalcy even in this kind if situation.

However it may not be totally right to say that the Central Government, messed it up. The fact is that the central govt as a political decision had advised the employers to not stop the wages of the workers.

It had Apalso passed an order in that regard. It is general knowledge that the employers went to the court, which over ruled that order, saying it was not enforceable……the Wise men could have thought of something else in this kind if scenario but Justice us certainly blind.

The state governments were advised to provide the workers and the labourers food and shelter and ensure that they remained where they were. However, the state governments of Delhi UT, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Punjab and West Bengal did exactly the opposite.

Host states were happy to get rid of them to save funds. They did not even spare labourers from Bihar, UP and other states migrants whose governments were ready to bear the expenditure incurred on the migrants from their states.

Rather, these so called prosperous states were shouting from roof tops for the centre to allow the poor labourers and workers from BIMARU States to return them to home state. Virtually disowning and throwing them out.

More than 150 years back,no one had fought for the GIRMITYAS against the cruelty of the Britishers. However they fought it out and today are a major force in Fiji, Mauritius, Surinam, Caribbean etc.

Today the migrants faced the discrimination from not any foreigners but Indians only. With proper leadership the new GIRMITYAS may still turn the tables. This is the truth.