Liberal Media Goes Berserk After Seeing Problem With Ivanka’s Christmas Post

Liberal Media Goes Berserk After Seeing Problem With Ivanka’s Christmas Post


The Liberal media is upset world over and the reason is : Ivanka Trumps christmas celebration party which she threw inside White House. No they are not upset that why christmas party was celebrated but one thing is making them angry and all Trump haters have joined to make sure this becomes viral all over social media. The hate for the Trump since he became POTUS refused to die down among leftist and liberal elitist and this is again one crazy example.

When Trump took over as the Potus he promised to make America Great Again and part of this promise was also that he will bring back ‘Merry Christmas’ into our culture after Barack Obama and his minions had made it a politically incorrect thing to say.

You go to stores, you don’t see the word Christmas,” Trump said last year, The Washington Post reported. “It says ‘happy holidays’ all over. I say, ‘Where’s Christmas?’ I tell my wife, ‘Don’t go to those stores.’ … I want to see Christmas.”

So, when the liberal media checked out a couple of Ivanka Trump personal “Christmas” photos, they were cheering, even including what they noticed in their headlines, claiming the president’s daughter was bringing back the “war on Christmas.”

One headline that went viral read, “Ivanka Trump’s ‘happy holidays’ post reveals a growing divide in the White House.” What? Ivanka Trump’s is saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas,” and that’s what the left considers a “growing divide”? Boy, do they have it all wrong.

Maybe they should do a little homework on the Trumps, and that includes Ivanka before they assume the president and his daughter are having a war on Christmas right inside the White House.

When Ivanka married Jared Kushner, she converted to Judaism. In fact, Jared and Ivanka broke up for quite some time when dating after his family got wind that he wanted to marry her. The reason? She wasn’t Jewish, and the Kushners are very devout Jews.

Confirmed in a report in The New Yorker, the power couple, who met in 2005, briefly broke up in 2008 over religious differences, with Kushner, who is Modern Orthodox, pulling the plug. “The lingering issue was religion,” the article says of the breakup, adding, “The Kushners hoped that Jared would marry a Jewish woman… Donald Trump is Presbyterian, and Ivanka — who in the documentary ‘Born Rich’ appears wearing a necklace with a silver cross — was not what they’d had in mind.”

So, let’s think about this. Ivanka becomes Jewish, marries Kushner, they keep a traditional Jewish household, and they practice Judaism. Then, Ivanka posts her “Happy Holidays” greeting on December 12th — which was the first day of Hanukkah. Are you smiling at the stupidity of the liberal media yet? Because you should be.

Jared & Ivanka with kids celebrating Hanukkah 2017. (Photo Credit: Ivanka Trump/Twitter

I’d expect Ivanka to say “Happy Holidays” on posts because she’s Jewish. The expression covers both her Christian family and her Jewish family. I wouldn’t expect a Jew to put “Merry Christmas” on anything because they don’t celebrate Christmas — they celebrate Hannukkah!

So, where the issue? There isn’t one. The “fake news” has simply struck again. President Trump’s problem wasn’t with Jews, it was with the idiots who are hell-bent on eradicating Christmas, and since Christmas is a major national holiday, our society at large should be comfortable with hearing Merry Christmas.

In stores, in banks, at the post office, these places should be having Christmas displays, with the words Merry Christmas without someone having a fit. Tantrums over Nativity scenes being displayed, all of these types of issues is what caused all the friction — not Jews celebrating Hannukkah.