India Must Study The U.S. Drone Strikes in Pakistan

India Must Study The U.S. Drone Strikes in Pakistan


India Must Study The U.S. Drone Strikes in Pakistan

Dated : 28 Dec 2020 (IST)

Pakistan is not paying much attention to appeals fro India and many countries in the World to stop all support it is presently extending to terrorist outfits, The two surgical strikes by India have sent some fear into the minds of the DEEP STATE within Pakistan.

However it needs to be reduced to acceptable limits, as has been achieved by the Americans with respect to strike against their forces.

So now Indian forces too must study the drone strikes carried out by the American forces inside Pakistan since the days of Bush Junior.

Then if the DEEP STATE still does not pay any heed then India should carry out a series of surgical strikes against terrorist targets DEEP inside Pakistan.

Below is a summary of the American drone strikes inside Pakistan:

On June 19, 2004, the United States undertook its first known drone strike in Pakistan, beginning a covert war that would kill thousands of people. Since that first strike, which killed prominent Taliban leader Nek Muhammad in South Waziristan, the use of drones in Pakistan has remained shrouded in mystery with the government often denying that strikes took place or that civilians were killed. In the last year of his administration, President Obama began to release information on strikes outside of traditional war zones. This site provides a detailed and public look at the drone war in Pakistan by drawing upon credible reporting and government statements to track the drone war.

Total Strikes and Fatality Estimates, by Administration

PresidentTotal StrikesCivilian CasualtiesMilitant CasualtiesUnknown CasualtiesTotal Casualties
Bush48116 – 137218 – 32665 – 77399 – 540
Obama353129 – 1621,659 – 2,683146 – 2491,934 – 3,094
Trump120 – 432 – 600 – 232 – 66
All Presidents413245 – 3031,909 – 3,069211 – 3282,365 – 3,700

Under the Bush administration, the drone war remained relatively limited in Pakistan until 2008, when the administration began to escalate the number of strikes. The Obama administration continued to escalate strikes, peaking in 2010 and then beginning a slow decline until 2016 when the Obama administration conducted only three known strikes in Pakistan. On May 21, 2016, the United States conducted its last drone strike in Pakistan under Obama, killing then-Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour in Balochistan. No strikes were conducted in the last eight months of the administration.

On January 20, 2017 Donald Trump became president and inherited a drone war in Pakistan that had halted. On March 2, the Trump administration conducted its first strike in Pakistan ending a more than nine month pause in strikes.

With the exception of the final strike of the Obama administration, the American drone war in Pakistan has been located in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) along Pakistan’s northern border with Afghanistan.

Which Militant Leaders Have Been Killed in Strikes?

Many key al Qaeda and Taliban leaders have been killed in strikes since the beginning of the campaign. The map below shows the strikes in which leaders were killed, and it can be toggled to view the data as a list.

DateLeader(s)Leader DescriptionVillageRegionMedia Outlets
February 08, 2018Khalid MehsudThe deputy commander of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), alternatively referred to as Khan Said and Khan Said Mehsud, and also known by his alias, Sajna.GorwakNorth WaziristanBBCRFE/RLReutersAPVoice of AmericaDawnExpress Tribune
January 24, 2018Ahsan Khorai and Nasir MehmoodHaqqani commandersSpeen Thal Dapa MamuzaiKurram AgencyReutersRadio Free Europe/Radio LibertyNew York TimesU.S. NewsXinhua News
December 26, 2017Jamil-ud-Din (RFE/RL), Jamiuddin (Reuters), Juma Khan (TOLO)Haqqani commanderMata Sangar, near GhuzgarhiKurram AgencyDawnReutersRFE/RLTOLO NewsPajhwokKhaama Press
October 16, 2017Sangeen WaliA top commander of the Haqqani networkMaqbalKurram AgencyABC NewsExpress TribuneThe NationPakistan TodayMiami HeraldJapan Times
July 03, 2017Pir AghaISIS commanderMarghalanSouth WaziristanDawnPajhwok/MENAFN
June 12, 2017Identified as Abubakar HaqqaniA commander of Taliban-affiliated Haqqani networkHangu districtKhyber PunkhtunkhwaRFE/RLDawnVOAETThe Nation
April 26, 2017Abdur Rahman, Akhtar Mohammad, and Abdul RaheemRahman and Mohammad, “two militant commanders,” and Raheem, a “key al-Qaeda commander”Lawara MandiNorth WaziristanFox News/Associated PressAFP/The NewsDaily TimesTolo News
March 02, 2017Qari Abdullah SubariSenior Taliban commanderSara Khwa, Kurram AgencySouth WaziristanReutersDawnETHindustan TimesAP
May 21, 2016Mullah Akhtar MansourEmir, TalibanDahl BandinBalochistanGuardianReutersAJEETVoACNNNYT
January 09, 2016Maulana Noor SaeedCommander, Pakistani TalibanMangrootiNorth WaziristanExpress TribuneExpress TribuneDawn

Over the course of the drone war in Pakistan, the targets of strikes began to change. Whereas more than a third of the Bush administration’s strikes targeted al Qaeda, that percentage had dropped substantially by the Obama administration and was replaced by a greater proportion of strikes on the Taliban and Haquanni networks.