Lowly Pakistan “Concerned” Over Militarisation Of Space And Development Of Artificial Intelligence...

Lowly Pakistan “Concerned” Over Militarisation Of Space And Development Of Artificial Intelligence By India


Lowly Pakistan “Concerned” Over Militarisation Of Space And Development Of Artificial Intelligence By India

Pakistan, which has been left far behind in every field and totally ignored by India, is psychologically unable to accept this ground reality. Realizing that internationally there are hardly any takers for Kashmir, now the Pakistani Officials have started voicing concern over militarisation of space and development of artificial intelligence by India.

Yes, India has openly demonstrated its military capabilities in space after USA created its Aerospace Force and Russia and China show asked their capabilities. This is the new frontier and India has decided to remain In the forefront. However lowly Pakistan cannot stomach this fact and so they are trying to say that Indian achieved has been possible only through western support.

Though China has not said anything on the subject, Pakistan now claims that such developments by India are emerging threat for Pakistan’s security. This was the upshot of a discussion hosted by the Islamabad Policy Institute on the occasion of the 23rd anniversary of the 1998 nuclear tests.

The two panelists at the discussion titled ‘Pakistan’s Quest for Peace and Strategic Stability in South Asia’ were Adviser to Strategic Plans Division Ambassador Zamir Akram and Director General Arms Control and Disarmament at the Foreign Office Kamran Akhtar.

The panelists did reiterate their concerns about the “tenuous” strategic stability of the region and India’s aggressive posture, including its plans for disarming pre-emptive strikes against Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal in a conflict, but they specifically emphasised the emerging challenges which, they said, could not be ignored anymore.

Ambassador Akram in his presentation noted that India was working on integrating new warfare technologies — cyberwar fare, artificial intelligence, robotics and lethal autonomous weapons — in its arsenal with the American support. The anti-satellite weapon tested by India in March 2019 brought a qualitative change in the threat spectrum because of the danger to the country’s nascent space infrastructure from India.

“Pakistan will have to respond to these developments and cannot remain complacent,” stressed Akram Sahib. India will really welcome such activities, as it will lead to one of the two outcomes —- either Ween away Pakistan from the path of Terrorism or make it totally bankrupt as a nation.