Chinese Pearl Necklace Falling Apart : Sri Lanka will not Permit military...

Chinese Pearl Necklace Falling Apart : Sri Lanka will not Permit military use of Hambantota port


The Hambantota port in southern Sri Lanka is located on the world’s busiest East-West shipping route. The was modernised and upgraded through a billion dollar loan from China during the time of ex President Rajapakse.

last year the current President had no option left but to allow a Chinese company to operate the port under a 99-year lease. The government said it was forced to lease the port for $1 billion.

Immediately a certain kind of Arm chair Admirals started painting doomsday scenario by stating that now the port will give China a foothold in a region long dominated by India. How naïve the thinking of such people. A merchant Port and a Naval Base are poles apart.

During peace time, maximum, such a port can provide is refuelling facility to naval ships, after a diplomatic request is made. Once hostilities start building up then the host country for its own safety will not permit any such ships to enter port.

Also the way Hambantota Port is built, the Indian Naval MIG 29s and IAF Sukhois carrying BHRAMOS will have a super target practice, just in case any Navy tries to ignore the SriLankan Navy and enter the port, during any hostilities.

As it is, now Sri Lanka has clearly stated that it will not allow China to only use the Hambantota port for military purposes, Defence Minister Ruwan Wijewardene has said.
A similar statement has been made by Mahathir, regarding on going Chinese projects in Malaysia.