Today Special : National Skipping Day

Today Special : National Skipping Day


Today Special : National Skipping Day

National Skipping Day is on April 24, and its purpose is to raise physical health awareness for children with a day of healthy exercise through skipping. It’s organized by Skipping Workshops that have around 250 schools with over 50,000 kids taking part in numerous skipping activities. Some might consider it childish, but skipping is a great way to exercise. It targets almost all the muscles in your body, it burns fat, and it also builds stamina. Having fun while exercising doesn’t get any better!


It’s difficult to pinpoint the origins of skipping, but it has been traced back as far as seventh century China. Chinese rope makers invented it in celebration of the New Year and called it the Hundred Rope Jumping game, or jumping 100 threads. 

In the game, three or more players use a string of rubber bands tied into a circle, usually at last six feet long. Two participants hold the rope taut as the third player stands between the two sides and accomplishes tasks that increase in difficulty as the string rises from ankle height. The game is still played today and it’s a great way to stretch those muscles. 

In 1600 BC, Ancient Egyptians would use vines to jump rope as part of their conditioning routine. For warriors, it was a proficient training regimen for battles with desirable effects that defined their musculature and increased their stamina. It wasn’t all serious, however, as jump roping was used as a form of play as well. Over time, it evolved into an art form as people began to master it and add tricks to the activity.

Jump rope has been depicted in medieval paintings where children roll hoops and jump rope down cobblestone streets. Dutch colonists brought the two-rope version of rope-skipping from Africa to America and called it doubled dutch. In the 1930s, jump rope and double dutch became popular in Black communities, specifically amongst Black girls. Girls had less of an opportunity to play sports and they became highly skilled at the game and created songs and moves to add to the fun experience.

Today, skipping has risen to even greater heights. There are national championships for jump rope and double dutch that draw in major audiences worldwide, and kids still enjoy them as playground activities. In 2002, National Skipping Day was organized as a way for children of all ages to get some exercise by getting more of them skipping.


  1. Become a community leader : National Skipping Day could be a good time to get involved in your community by joining after school programs for young people. It will give you the opportunity to impact youth, and you can be the one to lead the charge in National Skipping Day in your area.
  2. Have a jump rope competition : Challenge your family and friends to a jump rope contest. Create a series of games based on the many different ways in which to play. Plan out the games with water breaks in between and see who the jump rope champion really is.
  3. Bring National Skip Day to schools : Contact schools in your area and inquire if they’re celebrating National Skip Day. You can provide them with the main theme, the target goal for the number of skips on the day, the length of time that’s expected, and that they can receive free ropes and a detailed guide if they take part.


  1. Skip to My Lou : The popular American dance “Skip to My Lou” is about swapping partners during square dances.
  2. Skipping in text : The earliest known use of the term skipping rope was in 1802.
  3. Technical jumps : There are many skipping techniques like toad, elephant, inverse toad, and egg beater.
  4. Religious skipping : The word skipping is used in the “Song of Solomon.”
  5. The competition growsSkipping is a competitive game in over 40 countries.


  1. It keeps kids healthy : With technology taking up so much time, it’s important to remember the importance of physical health. National Skipping Day gives kids the opportunity to aim for a goal that promotes exercise and honors an ancient tradition.
  2. Skipping is fun : The great thing about skipping is that it feels more fun than a chore. Because it’s associated with a plethora of games, the entertainment value of jumping rope, double dutch, or any series of other games rises dramatically.
  3. Positive habits : National Skipping Day is the perfect time to set people on the right path. We have the habit of pushing things away and telling ourselves we’ll get to it later, but this day reminds us that skipping can become a natural part of our routine.