British Govt favours terrorists and Economic offenders but objects Toilet construction

British Govt favours terrorists and Economic offenders but objects Toilet construction


British Govt favours terrorists and Economic offenders but objects Toilet construction

British Govt thinks that everyone has the right to protest and carry out vandalism and take down national flags of other countries. They think that their newspapers, TV Channels, their Universities, Institutions, Parliament has the right to comment on any country and utter all kinds of nonsense. Terror outfits planning disintegration of India are given all the freedom possible to operate and function in UK. Kashmir and nowadays even Punjab is referred as Indian occupied areas.

British Parliamentarians always try and poke their nose in affairs of India. Economic offenders from India escaping to UK are given asylum and their extradition is prevented by British Courts by acting holier than the Pope.

Now the British Govt is trying to interfere even in the municipal affairs of India !!!! Municipal Corporation in Delhi have chosen to construct public restrooms which happens to be quite near the British High Commissioner’s residence because they believe it necessary.

The UK government, on the other hand, has objected to the decision, citing security concerns. The same British Govt had remained unconcerned in spite of numerous requests made by Govt of India for providing security to the Indian High Commission in London.

The report reads that a public toilet has been deemed necessary in the neighbourhood of British High Commissioner Alex Ellis’ residence at Rajaji Marg at Meena Bagh in Lutyens Delhi. However, the UK government has protested against the decision stating security reasons.

Recently reciprocating to British deafness, Indian authorities carried out a security review and removed all external security from the front of the British High Commission and the residence of the British High Commissioner in Delhi. These things had been Status symbols only and were not required. The decision, did surprise the IMPERIAL MINDSET of the Brits. Many Brits are seeing it as a reaction to the recent attack on the Indian High Commission in London by Khalistani extremists.

On March 22, the Indian authorities had removed barricades placed in front of the British High Commission and the British High Commissioner’s residence and removed all external security provided to the British mission in India.

Apart from removing barricades and bunkers installed in front of the gate of the British High Commission on Shantipath at Chanakyapuri diplomatic enclave, the team of Delhi police along with PCR vans stationed there has also been removed.

Similarly, the barricades installed in front of the residence of British High Commissioner Alex Ellis at Rajaji Marg at Meena Bagh in the Lutyens Delhi area also have been removed by Delhi police.

Special security measures such as road diverter, speed breaker, bunkers made of sandbags, PCR vans and local police stationed outside the premises have been removed. A security review found that the British High Commission in India is already in the safe zone, and there is no requirement for such additional security measures. Now what happens if BBC or the British Parliament again makes some nasty comments pertaining to Kashmir do they get thrown out of Commonwealth ?