USA claims on minorities in India trashed, advised to focus on their...

USA claims on minorities in India trashed, advised to focus on their Blacks, Hispanics, Latinos and Red Indians


USA claims on minorities in India trashed, advised to focus on their Blacks, Hispanics, Latinos and Red Indians

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) is a highly biased organisation set up purely for political hegemony over others. India has not only trashed the stupid report this time and has strongly criticised the GREAT AMERICAN ‘concerns’ over religious freedoms in India.

Notwithstanding the various biased nonsensical bills passed in the past by the USA Congress on black segregation, confining the Red Indians in their Reservations, restricting migrations of Mexicans, limiting the rights of Women on abortions, freely permitting murder by refusing to have gun laws, the Report has alleged rise in ‘hate speech’, demolitions and anti-conversion laws etc in India. So as per the Americans, Other religions like Christian, Muslims etc should have the right to freely convert Hindus in India but the Parliament of India cannot make anti conversion laws !!!!

The report annually surveys religious freedoms around the world which actually is none of their business. The only aim of these reports are to provide a twisted biased and fabricated view of the state of religious freedom in nearly 200 other countries and territories.

Well a country like Grenada may get impressed but a country like India must not only trash such reports but also take steps to generate own reports on State of Society in the USA.

The findings come a few weeks after Prime Minister Narendra Modi began his third term in office. Recently India and the United States agreed to strengthen cooperation in high technology areas when White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan met India’s national Security Advisor Shri Ajit Doval and urged him to do so.

“In India, we see a concerning increase in anti-conversion laws, hate speech, demolitions of homes and places of worship for members of minority faith communities,” said this senior Minister of Joe Biden.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, turning a blind eye to all the shootings and racist crimes in his own country, commented on the Indian anti conversion laws. So he wants the freedom to visit India and convert Hindus to his own religion. He has so much soft corner for demolished homes of mafias from a particular community, who had encroached on public land. His indirect comment on demolition of Babri Masjid built by troops of Babur the invader by demolishing an existing temple shows not only lack of knowledge of History but also smacks of total disrespect for India’s highest Court.

The US ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom, Rashad Hussain also expressed concerns about the situation in India. Has this chap ever talked of how Pakistan has been dealing with minorities ? Has he talked of support being given by Biden and his administration to anti India separatists and terrorists who are American citizens and operate from USA oil.

“In India, Christian communities reported that local police aided mobs that disrupted worship services over accusations of conversion activities, or stood by while mobs attacked them and then arrested the victims on conversion charges,” he said. Indian courts are quite competent to decide if any conversion has been done or not. However we Indians have grave doubt on impartiality of American courts, seeing their actions on framing charges against a wrongly arrested and extradited Indian from Czech Republic.

USA forgets everything while killing innocent civilians in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and other places. Their commissions must concentrate and investigate such killings and gross abuse of Human Rights by US Forces on orders by people sitting in the White House.

Earlier in May, India rejected a similar report of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom that accused the Government of India of “reinforcing discriminatory nationalist policies” and termed the ruling party organisation “biased” with “political agenda.” Imagine the temerity of these Commissions to comment on Sovereign decisions of Parliament of India representing 140 crores Indians.

“The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) is known as a biased organization with a political agenda. They continue to publish their propaganda on India masquerading as part of an annual report,” MEA official spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said at a press briefing.

“We really have no expectation that USCIRF will even seek to understand India’s diverse, pluralistic and democratic ethos. Their efforts to interfere in the largest electoral exercise of the world will never succeed,” he added.

The USCIRF had then alleged that the Indian government “failed to address” communal violence disproportionately affecting Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Dalits, Jews, and Adivasis (indigenous peoples) in 2023.

Among its key findings, the report calls out several countries including India, China, Russia, and Iran for violations of explicitly targeting members from certain faith communities.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also noted that in the United States, hate crimes against both Muslims and Jews “have gone up dramatically.”Blinken forgot to talk of Pannun and gang and how the current Biden Administration supports the activities of this American who has been declared a terrorist through due process of Law. He also forgot to talk about Julian Assange who was kept in jail for over 14 years for exercising the Freedom of Press. Blinken also conveniently forgot about Guantanamo Bay prison and other prisons in USA were all Human Rights have been simply abolished.