A fact sheet about the Defence Forces CSD

A fact sheet about the Defence Forces CSD


A fact sheet about the Defence Forces CSD


Col Mukul Dev

CSD means Canteen Stores Department. This is the department that buy items from manufacturers and sell those to Unit Retail Canteens of Armed Forces Units. People of this country know that Army/Air Force/Navy personnel get stationery, grocery, TV, Fridge, Car etc on cheap rates. True. Strength of Indian Armed Forces is around 12 lakh.

Do the citizens of India know that 7 lakh civilians also get all these items cheap from CSD? These civilians do not go to field and operational area leaving their wives and children behind hundreds of miles away. These civilians do not face bullets. These civilians retire at the age of 60 years and not in 40 years or below like any Army personnel.

Only Army personnel get the accusations of enjoying cheap items which makes the citizens of India believe that Army is getting everything free. Though there is nothing FREE. It is an entitlement in lieu of the hardship and other intangible deprivation. Thus it is a privilege given.

However the country must know that it is these 7 lakh civilians Govt employees quietly intruded in to the world of CSD facility and for them, this privilege is actually FREE for in lieu they face no hardships or deprivation.

People of India should know how the civilian employees of Govt of India have made themselves entitled to such facility without the knowledge of the taxpayers, without any such provision made in their PAY COMMISSION or terms and conditions of their service.