A Tribute To The Spirit Of Freedom And Salute To The Nations

A Tribute To The Spirit Of Freedom And Salute To The Nations


A Tribute To The Spirit Of Freedom And Salute To The Nations

Company Leader NYMON TENZING

The Razakars along with a section of Pakistan Army had butchered and terrorized the Bangladeshis in 1971. However it was their turn to be running for their lives when the Vikasi Guerrilla fighters landed in the hilly tracts of Chittagong to help out the Muktibahani.

Again when 4 KUMAON went into Siachen Glacier in 1984 to prevent the Pakistanis from capturing it, the Vikasis were there.

Today it seems that their dream is within their reach. The sacrifice of Company Leader Nymon Tenzing will not go in Vain.