Ajay Pandit is a National Hero Against Pakistani Terrorism And Hurriyat’s Separatism

Ajay Pandit is a National Hero Against Pakistani Terrorism And Hurriyat’s Separatism


Ajay Pandit is a National Hero Against Pakistani Terrorism And Hurriyat’s Separatism

The blood soaked Janeu (holy thread) of Ajay Pandit, sarpanch of Lukbawan village in Larkipora, Kashmir, told a million-word story of the courageous resistance against the dark age Islamo-Fascists in continuum for many centuries. But inspite of all the attacks and barbarities of the Arabs, Turks and the Moghuls, Indians could never be overpowered. They stood tall and firm, forcing one of the Kashmiri pandit converts to Islam, Muhammad Iqbal to write – Kuch Baat Hai Ki Hasti Mitati Nahin Hamari.

Islamist terrorists will certainly die a coward’s death. The time is not far away. But the history of the world must record the Hindu resistance in Kashmir as the finest and most courageous example of a people trying to retain their faith with all their might.

This resistance of the Kashmiri has been continuing for the last one millennium, a fact that bewilders the most vicious of the enemy too. It would have been easy for them to convert en bloc and save their lives, as many Bhatts, Kauls, Rainas, Zutshis converted to Islam and bought peace, but the truth is they also sold out their souls and honour. Those who stood firm, braved calamities, exiles, persecution, humiliations, accepted to be burnt alive, witnessed their women ravaged and kids slaughtered, and still didn’t yield, never compromised, are the real heroes of our nation, salt of our earth and we must bow our heads before them.

Ajay Pandit was one of them. A hero, a true Indian whose legacy will create more like him to continue the fight till we emerge victorious.

He was a brave Indian. Courageous and more patriotic than the entire lot of social media warriors and slogan-shouting political crowds. He challenged those who were challenging the Indian state. He stood for the tricolour like Casabianca.

The boy stood on the burning deck,
Whence all but he had fled;
The flame that lit the battle’s wreck,
Shone round him o’er the dead.

He knew death may come suddenly, yet he chose to return to his roots, fight election, protect the constitution and democracy.

And he died for these ideals.

Ajay is another name added to the long list of Kashmiri patriots, Tika Lal Taploo, Nilkanth Ganjoo, (a judge of Srinagar High Court who had sentenced Maqbul Bhat to death), Sarwanand Kaul Premi, Hriday Nath Wanchoo, Lassa Kaul… keep on counting India.

Ajay and many sarpanchs in Kashmir represent the bravest of the brave democratic warriors. India should have been able to save them.

Was he amongst the last to fight for India in the Valley? Definitely not the last hope for the Hindus to return to the Valley. He may well prove to be a brutal setback, like a brave Hindu who dared terrorism and lived in his ancestral house, but the Hindus will continue to battle till the last of the Islamist coward is finally buried three feet down in the valley.

Ajay Pandit’s home in Lukbawan village was in fact a India house. We see the shattered dreams and a struggling flame of hope, braving the dark age of the Jihadis. They are so de-culturised that immediately after Ajay Pandit was gunned downed, many Kashmiri Muslims in Delhi and elsewhere started celebrating his death.

On Twitter and Facebook, their conversations, glee, happiness appeared on the death of one of their blood brothers, separated only by faith. It was a reminder of the hate that we have been facing. To name a few who celebrated Ajay’s killing – Danish Iqbal, Tariq Ahmad, Aamir Bhat, Latif bin Rasheed bin, (very good job), Altaf Ahmad (domicile certificate issued), Mohammad Rafiq (good job), Jamshid Bhat (good shot) and so on.

They are all Indians. And now they must remember that India will not forget them, will not forgive them. I wonder why the authorities have failed to take notice of these posts and haven’t acted yet. Sad story indeed. The only Muslim majority state in Idnia does not have the heart to accept even a minuscule Hindu minority. That’s the message.

A mighty Hindu majority nation, India has been emerging to provide safety to those who want to live as Hindus in this land of the vedas and Ganga even after seven decades of Independence, a partition and a massacre of the Hindu men, women and children. We are often let down not by the assaulters but by our own people, our own deficiencies, lack of solidarity and a steel will to finally decimate the enemy with the same brutality and unpardonable ruthlessness as they show to attack us.

If they don’t want to share the world with us, it must be our Dharma to tell them that we too won’t allow you to share this world with us.

The lawless, foreign-funded goons have to be tackled by the ferocity they deserve. Democratic power given to us by the makers of the Constitution doesn’t allow us to look meek and spineless before the agents of death. Act and eliminate them without thinking twice.

Hindus have been lackadaisical, foolishly disoriented and always obfuscating the targets to achieve in eliminating the traitors and terrorists as well as providing honour, bread and safe home to patriotic, tricolor-loving Indians.

After 73 long years the Kashmiri Hindus who had come to India in 1947, in search of shelter, home and honor from Mirpur, Mujaffarabad, have finally got citizenship. All this due to the strong-willed, patriotic leadership of Modi and Shah. History will always remember them for providing justice to the world’s most persecuted monority, ie the Hindus in Kashmir. Modi government saved the future and existence of the Buddhsits in Ladakh by creating a Union territory. None belived it can happen, but this is how leaders with a steel spine act. They will never let the sacrifice of Ajay pandit go in vain. Just wait.

The lethargic and unfocussed manner in which we acted before is exemplified in a shocking incident in which the killers were freed after a long trial. Have you forgotten that after a fatiguing and self-defeating trial that went on for 19 years, all seven accused in the case of the kidnapping and murder of former Kashmir University vice-chancellor Dr Musir-ul-Haq, his personal secretary Abdul Gani Zargar and HMT watch factory general manager H L Khera were acquitted?

Our weaknesses in the past have been immense.

What kind of a nation are we, where the killers of our four Indian Air Force personnel roam free for years and it takes thirty years to frame charges against the ghastly killers and terrorists? Can you see the pain hidden in the words of Sq Ldr Ravi Khanna’s wife Shalini, who was killed by Yasin Malik – “Yasin Malik not only murdered Squadron Leader Ravi Khanna but also murdered my mother-in-law, my father-in-law and my mother. Childhood of my two small children was lost and our happiness was snatched away in a second. This terrorist turned our world upside down,” Shalini Khanna told media.

The attack on the IAF men took place on January 25, 1990 at Rawalpora, Srinagar when terrorist fired on them, injuring 40 and killing four.

The blood-soaked Janeu of Ajay Bharati, reminds us of thousands of such Hindu threads that were piled up after their killing during Aurangzeb to Sikandar Butshikan’s time, in 15th Century, when he took pride in destroying one of the most famous and beautiful 8th century Martand temple in Kashmir.

India hasn’t forget that … it never will forget indeed. Even if a government chooses to keep all these chapters of our sufferings away from our children, we shall teach them and we shall tell them about braveheart Ajay Pandit too. That’s a promise.

For centuries Hindus have been attacked and tortured. But never even once the savagery of the Islamists was allowed to win. Hindus, despite being divided, despite being backstabbed by their own blood brothers, weakened and abandoned by their leaders, stood firm on the ground and wherever they remained, with whatever they could gather, continued to fight.

Ajay Pandit is not the last Hindu in Kashmir. We shall rise again, and very soon