All BRICS states positively influence global stability — Putin

All BRICS states positively influence global stability — Putin


All BRICS states positively influence global stability — Putin

As the Russian president opened the summit, he noted that all those present witness the dynamic development of BRICS, the strengthening of its authority and influence in global affairs

All BRICS member states positively influence global stability in fact rather than in word, which is particularly important now, said Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the BRICS summit.

“All our countries favor equality, good-neighborly relations and mutual respect, approval of lofty ideals of friendship and harmony, commonweal and prosperity, manifest responsibility for the future of the world in fact rather than in word, influence positively the state of affairs in global stability and security, contribute much to solution of the pressing regional issues,” he said.

This is the essence of the BRICS line’s strategy on the global arena, Putin stressed. That said, this line meets wants and needs of the main part of global community, the so-called global majority, he emphasized.

“This line in particular is especially relevant amid present conditions when dramatic shifts are underway in the world,” the president said.

As the Russian president opened the summit, he noted that all those present witness the dynamic development of BRICS, the strengthening of its authority and influence in global affairs.

Member states have huge political, economic, scientific-technical and human potential, he said, adding that “it is fair to say that BRICS contains co-thinkers, sovereign countries representing various continents, development patterns, religions, authentic civilizations and cultures.

“President Vladimir Putin also proposed discussing deeper financial cooperation, further expansion of the association and the settlement of acute conflicts at the BRICS summit.

“Now, in a narrow format, we propose considering the most pressing aspects of the global agenda, exchanging opinions on the topic of cooperation between BRICS states in the international arena, including the settlement of acute regional conflicts,” added Putin.

According to Putin, attention should be paid to the implementation of “two important decisions of the previous summit in Johannesburg.”

“This refers to deepening financial cooperation within BRICS,” the Russian leader said adding that the next equally important issue is further expansion of the association.

The Russian leader drew attention to the fact that the 16th BRICS summit is being held for the first time in an expanded format after five more countries joined the association this year.”

This is a key event of the Russian presidency, which is held under the motto “Strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security,” the President stated.

He assured that “Russia has approached the organization of joint activities within the association this year with great responsibility.”

“We have sought to strengthen the authority of BRICS, enhance its role in world affairs, in solving pressing global and regional problems, and have done everything possible to deepen the multifaceted cooperation of our states in three main areas – politics and security, economics and finance, and cultural and humanitarian contacts,” Putin stressed.