American Congress Hearings On Internal Affairs Of India Needs To Be Reciprocated By Indian Parliamentary Hearings On Various American Activities

It is high time that Americans are forewarned regarding the shenanigans of their Senators and their Congressmen. Instead of rectifying the wrong practices within their own country they have a proclivity to poke their nose into internal affairs of other countries.
Thus instead of strengthening India’s fight against insurgencies in Kashmir and thus help in solving the problems of terrorism not only in South Asia and Middle East forever, these American politicians are not only trying to unnecessarily to annoy India but also displaying their ignorance and bias.
“India’s democratic credentials are unmatched. The country has successfully, in a democratic setup, defeated insurgencies in Punjab and northeast.
AaIt is time to strengthen India against such insurgencies and the human rights problems will be solved forever,” Vashisht a journalist told a Congressional hearing on Human Rights organised by Tom Lantos HR Commission in Washington.
“We are dealing with Islamic terrorism in Kashmir.
We have to be cognizant of the fact. All deaths have been happening due to terrorists trained by Pakistan. This doublespeak is not helping India in any way,” the columnist stressed before the gathering.
She said that the international community has to assist India in eradicating radical Islamist terror that is when the human rights situation will be possible.
If any Senator of USA is having a dream that India will permit any power to hold plebiscite in Kashmir then they should first grant independence to the State of Texas.
In fact a part of Kashmir is still held by Pakistan and another a part of it is also held with China.
India has “not occupied” Kashmir it has always been an integral part of India, a civilisation with 7000 years of recorded history. There is no India without Kashmir, and no Kashmir without India.
In case the American politicians do not stop this kind of distasteful practice then soon they may find the various committees of Indian Parliament too carrying out hearings on human rights violations committed not only on the blacks and other immigrants in the USA but also those being committed by US occupation forces in Afghanistan and Iraq.