Assange the Wikileaks founder finally a Freeman

Assange the Wikileaks founder finally a Freeman


Assange the Wikileaks founder finally a Freeman

Julian Assange declined to make comments to reporters

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has walked out of a courtroom in Saipan, the capital of the US commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, as a free man. The so called Champions of Freedom of Expression and Human Rights had him “imprisoned” for nearly 14 years. It was Sweden which had got after him on a trumped up sex charges !!!!

His final release has been only a sort of Compromise, nothing else. Lets see if the Australians try and defend his honour and take up cuddles on his behalf.

Those present greeted him with applause but Assange declined to make comments to reporters and got in a car that was supposed to take him to the airport to depart to Australia, his home country.

“The guilty plea concludes a criminal matter that dates back to March 2018, when Assange was first indicted in the Eastern District of Virginia,” the US Department of Justice said in a statement. “Following the imposition of sentence, he will depart the United States for his native Australia. Pursuant to the plea agreement, Assange is prohibited from returning to the United States without permission,” the agency added.