CAA : BBC continues with its wrong and biased news towards Bharat

Hindu people in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan are among those who will be able to seek citizenship.
Nikhila Henry from Delhi and Kathryn Armstrong from London have continued with the BBC’s tradition and history of continuing with wrong and biased news about Bharat.
The British themselves continue to act the most racist to place the biggest obstacles for Indians to be getting a visa for entry into Not So United Kingdom, forget about Citizenship.
Every Country in the world has its own rules for grant of Citizenship to outsiders and even Bharat has its own.
However now what Bharat has done is to close certain anomaly in its citizenship laws to correct historical wrongs. This amendment has been done by the Parliament of Bharat. After all we certainly cannot allow the Angrezs or the Yanks to enact our Citizenship Act. In fact we cannot primitive tem to even lecture upon this subject forget dictating terms ….they just need to lump it.
Our government has now implemented its new Citizenship law which has been passed by the Parliament. So whatever the damn BBC or any one else says it is not at all controversial as far as majority of Indians are concerned Though those with the mind-set of te BBC have been criticizing it for being anti-Muslim.
These BBC chaps themselves forget the nefarious act of their Government when in 1947 they precipitated the bifurcation of the subcontinent on lines of Hindus and Muslims.
Rightly after partition, all Muslims should have gone to Pakistan and all Hindus should have come to the Bharat side. However this didn’t take place as Jinnah promised total secularism.
Though soon after demise of Jinnah things started going downhill in Pakistan and minorities began to get prosecuted. Most of them wanted to move over to India.
However even Muslims of Pakistan and Bangladesh started planning immigration to India for better economic prospects. Some were being moved as part of the destabilization plan of the Pakistani Intelligence agencies too.
Now the Indian Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) will allow non-Muslim religious minorities from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan to seek citizenship as should have been done in 1947 itself and especially after demise of Jinnah when prosecution of Hindu’s began in earnest.
The new CAA will help those non Muslims facing persecution to acquire Indian Citizenship easily. The law was passed in 2019 – sparking protests by a politically motivated section of Indian Muslims and a few in the opposition in which scores of people died to communal violence and many more were arrested.
Rules for CAA were being drawn but was taking time and in the wake of the unrest was delayed but have now been completed according to the country’s home affairs minister Amit Shah.
He made the announcement on Monday, writing on social media that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had delivered on another commitment and realised the promise of the makers of our constitution to the Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians living in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.
India’s home ministry in a statement said that those eligible can now apply online for Indian citizenship. An online portal for receiving applications has already been set up.
The ministry said that there have been “many misconceptions” about the law and its implementation was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
“This act is only for those who have suffered persecution for years and have no other shelter in the world except India,” it added.
The implementation of the CAA has been one of the key poll promises of BJP and NDA ruling alliance in the run-up to general elections this year. Though BBC never tires of labelling it as Hindu Nationalist Party. The Indian media too should accordingly label British Political parties as Christian British Racist parties.
To give citizenship to stranded prosecuted minorities from Pakistan and Bangladesh, the Parliament has amended the existing Citizenship law, which currently prevents illegal migrants from becoming Indian citizens. Under the new law, those seeking citizenship will have to prove that they arrived in Bharat from Pakistan, Bangladesh or Afghanistan by 31 December 2014.
Monday’s announcement did not come as a surprise to many, as BJP leaders have been dropping hints over the past few months that the law could be implemented before the elections. After the notification was issued, BJP handles trended hashtags like “Jo Kaha So Kiya” (We did what we said) online.
In the meantime, protests against the CAA have started in some states, including Assam, where the All Assam Students’ Union (AASU) – which spearheaded the 2019 protests in the north-eastern state – has given a call for a shutdown on Tuesday.
In the southern state of Kerala, the ruling Communist Party of India (Marxist) party has called for state-wide protests. “This [the law] is to divide the people, incite communal sentiments and undermine the fundamental principles of the Constitution,” Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said, adding that the law would not be implemented in his state. Well then State Govt will have to resign.
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Critics of the CAA without going into the details, blindly say it is exclusionary and that it violates the secular principles enshrined in the constitution, which prohibits discrimination against citizens on religious grounds.
For example, the new law does not cover those fleeing persecution in non-Muslim majority countries, including Tamil refugees from Sri Lanka. It also does not make provision for Rohingya Muslim refugees from neighbouring Myanmar. Well like Western Europe, India is not for taking in refugees blindly.We are already heavily populated and cannot and will not take such burdens of others. western countries should be further encouraged to act more “liberal” and take in all the refugees.
BBC knows fully well that India is not for blindly giving citizenship to non Indians. Any non Indian, even the CEO of BBC, can seek asylum in India if being persecuted on political or religious grounds in his own country and then apply for Indian Citizenship in the manner prescribed. The rule for this is different than what CAA deals with.

The CAA itself is only for correcting the wrong of 1947partition and nothing else.
Monday’s announcement has not gone down well with the marginalized opposition, who accuse the government of trying to influence the upcoming election. This is expected to be held by May and NDA alliance is likely to be back for a third term in a row with a still bigger majority.
The most worried political party is the TMC in West Bengal. “After multiple extensions in four years, its [the law’s] implementation two to three days before the election announcement shows that it is being done for political reasons,” said All India Trinamool Congress party leader, Mamata Banerjee, at a press conference. After all the illegal immigrants from Bangladesh have been proving to be a huge vote bank for TMC, So they are cleverly trying to link CAA with the NRC which is dealing with illegal migrants.
Jairam Ramesh, the communication head of the Indian National Congress, wrote on social media that “the time taken to notify the rules for the CAA is yet another demonstration of the Prime Minister’s blatant lies”. Ramesh Bhai will always prove to be cleverer by half.