CGDA and PCDA (Pensions) Disregards Supreme Court Orders, slaps to Veterans

As per orders of Honourable Supreme Court dated 16 Mar 2022 the arrears for five yearly equalisation (due since 1 Jul 2019 as per GOI letter dated 7 Nov 2015) were to be paid by 15 June 2022. GOI could not pay the arrears as ordered by 15 Jun 2022. On 9 June 2022, GOI (actually usurping its Nomenclature the bureaucrats of Department of Defence and Munims of CGDA ) filed an application in HSC for extension of time by three months till 15 Sep 2022 to pay arrears as ordered by HSC.
The application of GOI was heard on 16 Sep and HSC extended time for payment of arrears by three months from the 16 Sep 22 that is due date to pay arrears was granted till 15 Dec 2022. This was three months more than the request of GOI and total of nine months were given to GOI to process the arrears promised by GOI vide their letter dated 7 Nov 2015. Despite this GOI has not kept its word and payment of arrears has still not been given to veterans.
Well the PMO must take note. The angry veterans in Himachal Pradesh, where they are heavily concentrated in many districts and widespread in all others, displayed their anger openly. No wonder the BJP lost the Himachal State elections nice and proper.
Now yet another shocking news for veterans is that Govt has filed another application for extension three more months for payment of equalisation arrears due since 1 July 2019. The reason given is that CDA needs to prepare tables and hence extension is required. Veterans have been anxiously waiting for their lawful arrears to come to bank account but have been disheartened to hear that GOI has further sought three more months to pay the arrears, that is till 15 Mar 2023.
The above is all bunkum and just a bureaucratic way to Challenge the Modi led government. Today with help of computers, pay tables …..already worked out umpteen times since 2016 can be prepared in a week or two. However acting deliberately the Department of Defence in the Ministry of Defence, the Controller General of Defence Accounts and the Principle Controller of Defence Accounts ( PENSIONS) at Allahabad have been playing games, just to demonstrate either their lethargy or unwillingness or is it plain defiance?
Any way this time Veterans too have hit back, at the Government which must bear the responsibility of such lazy bunch of Munims. As per Survey, this time BJP was winning the elections in Himachal with a small margin but CGDA ensured that it lost by a hefty margin.
What is galling that CGDA waited for the last day to file the application for yet another extension …Tarik pe Tarikh. In fact not paying the arrears on the date ordered has become a contempt of Court. This should be taken as a deliberate attempt and the HSC must come down with a heavy hand.
Lawyers representing Veteran groups have also filed application that nine months of extension has been granted and further extension should not be given and payment of arrears be done immediately.
At the time of argument, if HSC allows, lawyers must raise following points
1. Department of Defence, CGDA, PCDA pension had sufficient time to prepare tables but has failed.
2. Undue delay is Contempt of Court orders.
3. In this period veterans are facing economic hardship and hence further extension should not be granted. If extension is granted veterans should be paid interest @9% from 16 Mar 2022 till date of payment. Must be remembered that these arrears are not khairat but have been earned.
4. Many veterans have expired in this period facing extreme hardship and their families are going through acute financial hardship. This is injustice to veterans and families who have given their youth and life in service of motherland.
IESM must oppose any extension tooth and nail and aggressively argue for award of interest for delayed period. Govt application is filed on 14 Dec 2022. Now it is to be seven if this is listed for discussion on 16 Dec or after winter holidays. HSC will close for holiday from 17 Dec and reopens on 2 Jan 2023. HSC must hold discussion on 16 Dec 2022, as a Contempt of Court.
IESM will put up best efforts to oppose this extension and will request HSC for payment of arrears with interest without any delay. Interest must be granted.
The PMO must ask for explanation from Defence Secretary and CGDA in person. The lazy group of Munising must be identified and if they have completed 50 years of age, they should be compulsory retired. At stake are the General Elections to the State of Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Bihar etc where angry Veterans are waiting to strike if required.