China Locks Down Lanzhou City Over Wuhan Virus Outbreak

China Locks Down Lanzhou City Over Wuhan Virus Outbreak


China Locks Down Lanzhou City Over Wuhan Virus Outbreak

The draconian measures of the Chinese government can be seen as a part of the China’s Wuhan Viruspolicy which rejects the idea of living with COVID and relies heavily on containment measures to curb its spread.

China has imposed lockdown on Lanzhou, the capital city of the Gansu province after a surge in COVID virus cases was detected in the city according to reports. The recent flare up of COVID cases is attributed to delta variant of the virus.

Earlier 35,700 residents of the Ejin county of the Inner Mongolian region of China were asked to stay at home from Monday following rise of COVID cases in the region. Ejin county is being considered as the hot spot of the new outbreak.

The National Health commission of China had issued warnings that the outbreak around Inner Mongolia would worsen following the spread of cases to 11 provinces.

Lanzhou, a city with the population of four million residents reported six of the 29 new domestic infections. The Chinese authorities have stated that the residents of Lanzhou would be required to stay at home and officials to strictly control the “entry and exit of residents” and that movement would be limited to essential supplies or medical treatment.

The draconian measures of the Chinese government can be seen as a part of the China’s zero COVID-19 policy which rejects the idea of living with COVID and relies heavily on containment measures to curb its spread.

Notably, China has fully vaccinated about 75.6% of the population as mentioned by the National Health Commission spokesperson Mi Feng and also given booster shots to people.

It was reported previously that Bahrain, UAE witnessed a COVID-19 surge after using China-made COVID vaccines. Countries like Mongolia, Seychelles that took Chinese COVID-19 vaccines also experienced a surge in infections.

Beijing had also stated that it provided vaccines to other countries with no conditions attached. The statement was made in response to a story carried out by Associated Press about China forcing Ukraine to accede to its demands by threatening it to withhold its COVID-19 shipment.