China Should Properly Handle Its Differences With Quighers and Tibetans Through Talks...

China Should Properly Handle Its Differences With Quighers and Tibetans Through Talks To Safeguard Peace : India Can Mediate


China Should Properly Handle Its Differences With Quighers and Tibetans Through Talks To Safeguard Peace : India Can Mediate

We in India closely follow the situation in the Xinxiang Region of Central Asia and of course the situation in our neighbouring area Tibet. Our position is consistent and clear. This issue is a dispute left over from history because of the British.

This is an objective fact established by close study of history, culture of the people involved and centuries of Interactions and bilateral agreements between various Kingdoms in the region.

In 1950s an expansionist China forcibly annexed and subjugated the people of these two regions on roof of the World that is Xinjiang and Tibet. India and the Rest Of world failed to object to this brutal invasion and mass killing of innocent people which has led to the present situation.However even now if China can properly handle the situation in the region through dialogue, improve human rights conditions it will help safeguard peace, stability and development of both the countries Xinjiang and Tibet and the wider region.

Questions have been raised at various World Forums regarding blatant and brutal Human Rights violation by both the Chinese Administration and the Chinese Army in these two regions. Even the religious freedom of Quighers have been trampled upon and the same us the case with the Tibetans who follow Bhuddhism. His Holiness Dalai Lama has always been talking of peaceful coexistence of all the races in this world.

Total peace in the region will also help in improvement in relations between India and China, the two largest countries of the World, population wise. It will serve the fundamental interests of both the countries and the international community.

Any unilateral subjugation of a free Nation is illegal and invalid. This issue should be properly resolved peacefully through dialogue and consultation between the parties concerned, that is the Quighers, the Tibetans and the Chinese. All these Nations are neighbours of India that cannot be moved away. Peaceful coexistence serves the fundamental interests of all and the common aspiration of the international community.

India people hope that all the parties can properly handle the differences through dialogue, improve relations and jointly safeguard peace, stability and development of both countries and the wider region. The people of India will always be ready to help mediate incase required and are ever ready to extend all kinds of help.

Peace in the regions is the first priority of the people of India notwithstanding the ongoing tensions in Ladakh with China.