China wonders why US can send arms to Taiwan while Beijing cannot...

China wonders why US can send arms to Taiwan while Beijing cannot do the same for Russia


China wonders why US can send arms to Taiwan while Beijing cannot do the same for Russia

According to Qin Gang, the US should respect China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity on the Taiwan issue, which is the basis of China-US relations

China does not understand why the US demands China not to supply weapons to Russia, but at the same time supplies weapons to Taiwan, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang said on Tuesday at the annual press conference on the side-lines of the National People’s Congress (parliament) session.

“The Chinese people are asking reasonable questions. Why does the US rant about respecting sovereignty and territorial integrity when it comes to Ukraine, but forget to respect China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity when it comes to Taiwan and China?

Why is it that on the one hand they ask China not to supply arms to Russia, but for a long time they have been selling arms to Taiwan in violation of the August 17 (1982 – TASS) consensus?” he said.

According to the Chinese Foreign Minister, the US should respect China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity on the Taiwan issue, which is the basis of China-US relations.