China’s Rise And How to Deal With It

China’s Rise And How to Deal With It


China’s Rise And How to Deal With It


Colonel Krityanand Das

Nixon when he opened up to China, often stated his fear ” hope I have not created a Frankstien Monster?”

Indeed he created one.

USA, Japan and Taiwan with their investments, technology and know how have made what China is today.

They firmly believed that China will turn a liberal democracy and san Communism for good like USSR and the East Europe did once the prosperity reached the home and hearths of the common Chinese people. But it did not happen that way.

Unlike USSR which went with high hopes that Western world will pour their investments and pull them out of the quagmire in which they had pushed themselves with the defeat in Afghanistan.

The Chinese had learnt their lessons at the Russia’s cost. They hid their claws and bid their time as Deng had told them. They needed the west’s capital to improve their infrastructures and their technology to become the world sole manufacturing hub for many decades to come if not centuries. They succeeded. They used USA instead being used by it.

And see how China is paying them back! USA is today like a little boy whose toys have been snatched by a street bully next door!

China still follows Marx(!) even if it has deviated to state controller Capitalism instead of Communism.

Next step after capitalism as per Marx is imperialism and that is colonism in practical terms. Where you userp the right to exploit the colonies’ natural wealth in form of its territory and mineral resources with out any responsibility. China has moved that way well.

It is a copy cat nation that is, it believes firmly that it must graduate to colonize Asia and Africa as the west did few decades ago. And that’s what it is doing in Africa at a big scale and in many other island nations around in Pacific and Indian Oceans.

SriLanka, Maldives in the Indian Ocean and many island nations in Pacific are facing the debt trap and losing territories through 99 years lease to China.

BRI is a debt trap and will end up as colonial trap for many countries that have joined it. Look at SriLanka and Pakistan. They joined it in such enthusiasm and are now in such economic distress. Losing soveiranty of their seaports, air ports and large territories.

Some of the Asean nations have read the Chinese game plan and are modifying the deals or are out right scrapping them all together. Like the Malaysian rail project and Kra Canal in Thailand. Hope others in the region like Laos and Cambodia will follow soon before it becomes too late to retrieve themselves from the dragon’s drag knot.

See what has happened to economy of Pakistan and Sri Lanka and many African countries. Despite Chinese aid these countries are living from one loan to other for mere survival.

For India it will be difficult time to have so many economically sick states in neighborhood and China administrating further poison in name of medicine. Nepal is also falling in similar trap, Myanmmar has its tail in the snare already.

EU and USA are old and sick and unreliable.

Asian century is another snare that China is deploying.

India needs to keep its distance from all. And take measures as follows:

Break up Pakistan, in doing that take help of USA as was taken from the erstwhile USSR while breaking up of Pakistan in 1971 and creating Bangladesh.

Create a Confederacy of South Asian States and graduate towards Akhand Bharat in distant future.

Improve own economy so that world has another supplier for its requirements and dependency on China is reduced absolutely.

Ignite fault lines of China, in Tibet, Eastern Turkistan(Xinjiang), Yunnan, Southern Mongolia and Manchuria as China does to us.

Work towards patch up between West and Russia. West has unnecessarily pushed Russia into hands of China.It has been frightening Russia by intrusion of NATO in to Slavic World. It should san sanctions and win Russian confidence by investments and allow it to retain its influences in the Slavic areas which made up the erstwhile Soveit Union and thus isolate China further. Since India retains it old contact with the Russia and has moved closer to the west than before it should help them patch up their differences. It will be good for all.

Not only we should share Indo -European languages but also a new Indo-European relationship!

In case a war is forced on India by China then we should not go for any cease fire but prolong it till victory is achieved.

World is getting old except India and Africa. Young and large population will prove an asset aided with technology and most important of all the right LEADERSHIP!

Have enough nucs to bomb entire Chinese east coast in case ever Pakistan uses nucs against us,for it is not Pak nuc but Chinese that Pakistan has it in its arsenal.

China’s Rise unfortunately has become like the rise of the Third Reich.

China is crying hoarse of its century of humiliations as did the Third Reich of its humiliations through the Treaty of Varsailles.

German humiliations was due to its generals’ and Kaiser’s over ambitions.

Chinese humiliations was due to its Lterati Elites over corruption.

No rise has been peaceful and so it is unlikely to be that of China.

So better prepare for the worst. than face it unprepared.