Chinese Fertilizer Company Intensifies Fight Against Sri Lanka, India Must Step In

Chinese Fertilizer Company Intensifies Fight Against Sri Lanka, India Must Step In


Chinese Fertilizer Company Intensifies Fight Against Sri Lanka, India Must Step In

Sri Lankan government had suspended the importation of organic fertilizer from Qingdao Seawin Biotech Group Company Limited in September over quality issues, leading to a diplomatic spat between Sri Lanka and China.

Sri Lanka National Plant Quarantine Service (NPQS) found Erwinia in the above Chinese organic fertilizer. Further, the People’s Bank of Sri Lanka was also ordered by court not to pay the Chinese company for the substandard fertilizer.

So it is not understood as to why the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) has decided to pay USD 6.7 million to Qingdao Seawin Biotech Group Co Limited for the fertilizer which was rejected by Sri Lanka after local tests had identified harmful bacteria. This was probably due to economic SANCTION threats from China.

On top of that, the defaulting Chinese company Qingdao Seawin Biotech has intensified its fight against Sri Lanka over disputed fertilizer stocks and has even proposed tough sanctions to be imposed at a time when the island country is experiencing an economic crisis.

Qingdao Seawin Biotech Group Co Limited the Chinese company involved in exporting the contaminated fertilizer in the first place is demanding USD 8 million from the Additional Director of the National Plan Quarantine Service (NPQS) of Sri Lanka for the loss and damage caused to the company. Meanwhile, in October the Economic and Commercial Office of the Chinese Embassy in Colombo blacklisted the People’s Bank for failing to make the payment according to the Letter of Credit (LOC) and contracts between the two parties.

India should not permit such black mailing of its close friend by any country. Like the Wuhan Virus, China cannot be permitted to devastate agriculture of other countries through contaminated bio fertilizers. Any SANCTION on Sri Lanka must be negate 200% by India. Also India must straight away ban imports if any from bio fertilizers companies of China.