Chinese Media’s Anti India Propaganda

Chinese Media’s Anti India Propaganda


Chinese Media’s Anti India Propaganda

The Chinese media, it seems has lost its mental bearing. One of them a mouth piece of the Chinese Communist Party is now just trying to outdo every one in shouting against India, probably in order to gain an important berth in the Party set up.

The paper, finding nothing else came out with the most bizarre and convoluted theory that India was making up an imaginary “China threat” because of growing threats to its own national unity. “It is hard to understand India’s groundless ‘China threat’ theory,” said a report in the state-run Newspaper.

It was written by Long Xingchun, a research fellow at The Charhar Institute and director of the Centre for Indian Studies at China West Normal University.

With multiple nationalities, religions and languages, plus intense internal conflicts and a strong centrifugal force pushing against national unity, India needs an external enemy as distraction.

Well most probably China now just needs a cover story to tell its own citizen,so as to make a base for withdrawing back from the Indian territory where its forces intruded from within occupied Tibet.

Its imagined threats from
Its imagined arch-enemy Japan or USA will not suffice for the actions the Chinese troops initiated near Pangong Tso and few other places. After gobbling up Tibet now it has been eyeing Bhutan and parts of Arunachal Pradesh and now Ladhak.

As China grows into a big power, so has its appetite. China, has large border areas disputes with nearly every country it has borders( land or maritime) with……Russia, Mangolia, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, India, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, Borneo not to talk of Tibet which it has swallowed up completely.

At Dokalam, Chinese thought that the memory of the 1962 war,will naturally intimidate the Bhutanese and the Indians. However both the Bhutanese and the Indians immediately questioned China ’s decision to send troops into Doklam, which China says is its territory, leading to a dragging stand-off between the two armies.

China is now repeatedly telling India to pull back its troops in Ladhak forgetting that they themselves are the aggressors once again.

Also by this intrusion China is really posing a strategic threat to India. The Daulat Beg Oldie and Galwan are located not very far from the Chinese infamous OBOR road in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.

It is a very sensitive area and unlike 1962, India will not take things lying down.
Even if Chinese troops launch all their might to seize anything in Ladhak, they cannot succeed in any way.

India Army will surely stop the movement of the Chinese troops. In spite of knowing all this Chinese may plan to seize this area and this was the reason for its intrusion into Galwan.

Beijing is worried that if its dragging border talks with India fails, India will take back the areas held by China by force since 1962. Even Tibet may start clamouring for throwing away the Chinese yoke.

India is naturally seen as a threat and an impediment by China in its aim of making South East Asia and even South Asia as its backyard. So China has established very close ties with Pakistan to pose a combined threat to India.

Earlier China used to maintain a neutral stance on the Kashmir conflict and encourages India and Pakistan to solve it in a peaceful manner. However now it has entered Indian territory held by Pakistan in the name of CPEC in spite of protest by India.

After Doklam, it has even threatened India of intervention in J&K dispute. It has it seems,forgotten Tibet, Taiwan and Hong Kong, where India may pay back compliments in similar manner.

It said that while China is worried about growing naval might of India and is unsuccessfully trying to woo Sri Lanka, the Maldives, Seychelles and Mauritius. One by one these countries have seen through the Chinese game and have taken all required precautionary actions.

Taking India as a threat and adopting hostile measures against India, if overdone, will not only make OBOR vanish into thin air and make the silk route a forgotten Chinese jungle trail. It may also turn India into a real threat, and the Chinese Communist Party should be careful how far they go.