Detention Centres Established In Baluchistan-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Region By Pakistan

Detention Centres Established In Baluchistan-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Region By Pakistan


Detention Centres Established In Baluchistan-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Region By Pakistan

Satellite images have shown that detention camps have been constructed for people in Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region to house anyone who speaks against the establishment. The government calls the centres ‘de-radicalisation camps’, where people who express dissent against the government will be brought in and de-radicalised to move into a more ‘government-friendly’ life

As a massive blow to Prime Minister Imran Khan’s duplicity on the human rights situation in Pakistan, exclusive pictures have come up that show proof of detention camps in the country which has time and again been called out globally for its excesses against ethnic and religious minorities.

Learning from its friend China, Pakistan too has been building these detention camps which many believe are where the Baloch are punished for expressing dissent. The Baluchistan-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region has for a long time been protesting against the Pakistan establishment.Freedom loving Baluchis have been citing atrocities at the hands of the Pakistani militia and the administration, under all the Governments of Pakistan since 1955.

Satellite images have shown that detention camps have been constructed for people in Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region to house anyone who speaks against the establishment.

Fort Salop, Shahkas Fort, Hayatabad, Peshawar, Bara Fort, Alhaj, Charsiano, Jhansi Fort, Sipah, Shalober, Akka Khel are some of the places that have cropped up in the map showing the detention centres.

The Pakistan government has called the centres ‘de-radicalisation camps’, where people who express dissent against the government will be brought in and de-radicalised to move into a more ‘government-friendly’ life.

There are several organisations in the world that have raised and addressed the plight of the Baloch citizens and footage of cruelty against the people in the region have time and again come to the fore. However, the governments have continued to deny any case of human rights violations in the region.

As per the map, the proposed set up includes a living and training block for students, a sports complex, a mosque, among others. In addition to that, there are many more proposed camps as well in the region.

Hopefully the Separatists in India who want to merge the Kashmir part of UT of Jammu & Kashmir with Pakistan are taking note of these detention cum de radicalization camps.