Dislike for Canada increases among Indians due to Trudeau and Gang

Dislike for Canada increases among Indians due to Trudeau and Gang


Dislike for Canada increases among Indians due to Trudeau and Gang

India positive views of Canada under Trudeau has dropped considerably in 2024

Trudeau’s anti India bias has contributed to Indians negative perception of Canada

Rising anti-immigration sentiment in Canada might be shaping opinions in India

A large number of Indians who once viewed Canada as a paradise and a much better country than USA are now changing their opinion about this badly managed country. The political situation has deteriorated to a point where law and order has become questionable. The deep State within the Canadian Government has been supporting balkanization of India since long.

Due to this the present Trudeau led Government has developed an anti India bias. They have given both direct and indirect support to the Khalistani Separatist Movement and have been encouraging a section of the Canadian Sikhs to participate in its activities.

Thus Public opinion in India regarding Canada has seen a significant decline over the past few years. This negative opinion against Canadian Govt has increased many folds after the Trudeau government accused Indian Govt of being involved in the killing of Canadian terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar and meddling in Canadian elections.

A much larger number of Indians are now viewing Canada less favourably. Positive views of Canada among Indians have dropped by 50% in 2024.

India has denied involvement in the killing of Canadian terrorist Nijjar and junked claims by the notorious Canadian spy agencies of meddling in its polls. Canada has a history of acting as a lackey of Britain upto Second World War and thereafter a lackey of USA.

No wonder at external behest Canada has been acting strangely while dealing with China and India. Probably White Canadians are unable to digest the fact of a rising China and a rising India.

No wonder a recent report from the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) of Canada has the temerity to accuse India the World’s oldest and biggest practicing democracy as the Second biggest Foreign threat to Canada’s democracy. They have identified China as te biggest threat.

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau acted in the most insolent and turd like manner when he directly accused te Indian Government of being involved in the assassination of a Canadian terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar. In return Trudeau received such a “tight-slap” directly during the G20 Meet in New Delhi that he didn’t know whom to run to. Since then Canada-India relations have been highly strained.

Trudeau says that Canada supports a “united India”. However his actions on ground has been the opposite. The presence of anti India terrorists in Canada advocating separatism in India and the open support given to them by Trudeau has been a source of tension between India and Canada.

Trudeau’s accusation that the Indian government was involved in the assassination of Canadian terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar only exacerbated the strained relationship. Recent rocky relations between Canada and India also appear to be dragging down assessments of Canada as a favourable place for tourism among Indians.

Bilateral tensions have increased, India is no more inclined to offer any trade concessions to Canada. Canada on its part is raising India specific anti-immigration sentiments in Canada also showing open bias against Indians, who form the largest group of migrants to Canada.

This sentiment influences how Indians have started viewing Canada. Canadian Govts despicable actions have now started shaping public opinion of the world’s most populous country and the fastest growing economy too.

In 2023, nearly 320,000 Indians moved to Canada on study visas. However, starting in 2024, the same has dropped down by 35%.

Canada too has become stricter onissuing work permit and is carrying out and increased scrutiny, which will further reduce te number of Indian Students. India too is becoming very strict in issuing visas to Canadian citizens.

Relations are likely to improve only after the exit Of Trudeau and formation of a new Government in Canada.