Freedom of Speech on hold : FBI raids home of political analyst...

Freedom of Speech on hold : FBI raids home of political analyst and TV host


Freedom of Speech on hold : FBI raids home of political analyst and TV host

The American political scientist said that he had not been officially notified of the FBI search at his Rappahannock County, Virginia property

USA Press and institutions have an annoying habit of criticizing other countries at the drop of a hat reports. Americans tend to show anger over imagine HUMAN RIGHTS violations in China and other countries and want to impose own views even on the most vibrant of Democrats…India.

 However they look the oter way when their own Federal Bureau of Investigation raids TV Host and political analyst. FBI itself has confirmed raiding a US house of American political scientist Dimitri Simes, who is also a host at Russia’s Channel One television.

“The FBI conducted “court-authorized” law enforcement activity. We have no further comment as this is an ongoing matter,” the agency’s press office said in response to a request to confirm reports of the raid.

However the same FBI refuses to takeaction against an American terrorist who has been declared a wanted terrorist in India trough a due process of law.

Simes says that he had not been officially notified of the FBI search at his Rappahannock County, Virginia property.

The Rappahannock News website reported that FBI agents first descended on his estate in Rappahannock County, Virginia, on Tuesday morning and came again on Thursday morning. Neighbours told the news outlet that the agents were seemingly confiscating things.

According to the news website, Simes and his wife Anastasia bought the estate in July 2021. The pundit is out of the US, the report said.

Simes, a political analyst, historian and TV host, was born in Moscow in 1947. In 1973, he moved to the United States. Last year he moderated a SPIEF plenary session attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin, and in June he participated in a closed-door meeting that the president held after his speech at the Foreign Ministry.

Dimitri Symes said his lawyers believe the FBI could have used the Foreign Agents Registration Act to search his US home.

“From the perspective of my lawyers, who still have not received any information, <…> the so-called FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act, can be the only explanation,” he said on Channel One television.

According to the political scientist, the problem with this justification of the raid would be that the law implies efforts by the suspect to influence US policy or legislation.

“First of all, I repeat that I have not been in the United States for almost two years, and secondly, I work for Channel One, which does not broadcast in the United States, and which broadcasts in Russian. So to say that I have done something to influence American politics is at least not serious,” Simes stated.

The pundit added that the house targeted by the FBI does not and cannot contain any information about him from the past two years. He noted that none of his electronic devices are in the house as they are all with him in Moscow.

“I don’t really understand why they came to that house and what they were looking to find there,” Simes said.

He said sanctions were imposed against Russian federal television channels, but, according to him, the US communicated an informal explanation to the Russian Foreign Ministry that said that “the restrictions were aimed at preventing any financial assistance to federal channels, any payments to federal channels, and not aimed at preventing people from expressing their opinions, as this right is enshrined in the US Constitution.”…ha ha ha !!!!!