Happy Infantry Day

Happy Infantry Day


Today 71 years ago in 1947, the State of Kashmir was saved by the Indian Infantry from the blood thirsty tribal invaders and the Pakistan Army. Today is the Infantry Day.

Nobody who has ever donned a green beret would know how difficult it is to explain the Infantry as an arm.

Although, ‘The Ultimate’ requires no illustrations, here is a kaleidoscope of snippets which would to a certain extent, conjure up the vista of the soul and spirit of the Infantry…

*You never chose Infantry, rather Infantry is when destiny chose ‘you’ over the rest.

Infantry is:-
– When a cold and shivering jawan gets you the officer a cup of hot tea on a patrol break at 13,000 feet. He dies this before he or his mates have taken the first sip.

– When your sixth sense tells you there is something wrong with a guy at 50 meters.

– When you meet with an accident and the first thing you check is the safety of your men and the
serviceability of your legs.

– When you speak the language of your boys.

– When you sit from dusk to dawn in an ambush on Valentine’s Day, you know infantry is giving you the red rose.

– When you are a master at pump stove, lanterns, solar lights, bukharis and travelling in trains without reservations.

– When you know more about cramps and cold injuries than your average doctor.

– When a girl in the pub is indicated by clock-ray method.

– When only your Sahayak can dig out the thing you want from your

– When your pain submits to your will.

– When you find it funny when your relative says he’s going on a holiday to a hill station.

– When your Arm ie Infantry, is a matter of discussion during marriage proposals.

– When you do not believe in ghosts but do believe in Peer Baba and other high altitude babas.

– When you know the real meaning of camouflage, in field, in parties, in unit routine and in your own house.

– When you can live, anywhere, with anybody, on anything that nature can offer.

– When you know this LMG will be resited by everybody up the ladder, till it comes back to where you had sited it initially.

– When somebody asks, “Do you play Golf?” and you look at the brass on your shoulder and say “Not yet!”

– When you are the biggest consumer of foot powder, DMP oil, water sterilization kit, ORS packets and Meals Ready to Eat in the Army.

– When you gave it all that you have got, and some more.

– When you are the only one to get trained in bayonet fighting. And
expect it to happen.

– When your girlfriend thinks you are Rambo, Commando, Gladiator and Braveheart, all rolled into one. Your Commanding Officer however, thinks you are a nincompoop.

– When you get lost in a multiplex with signboards but are at ease in a jungle with a compass.

– When you can die for what you have lived.