Hizbul Now Decimated Pakistan Turns To TRF/JK Fighters- Resistance Front

Hizbul Now Decimated Pakistan Turns To TRF/JK Fighters- Resistance Front


Hizbul Now Decimated Pakistan Turns To TRF/JK Fighters- Resistance Front

With Hizabul and LeT decimated Pakistan has now found a bew breed of terrorist dogs, The Restance Front. However these dog have more barking power than biting power.

The group, however indulges more in propaganda activity. On the groups the members speak about the need to increase the resistance in Jammu and Kashmir, especially after the Centre on August 5 2019 withdrew the special status. The group also known as the JK Fighters is very active on the social media.

There has been enhanced activity by a newly formed terror group in Jammu and Kashmir. The first time that the agencies got to know about this group was in March 2020, when the police busted a module of The Resistance Front.” The module was busted on May 23 2020 at Sopore and it was found back then, it was linked to the Lashkar-e-Tayiba.

While the module was busted, its activities on the social media and Telegram channel continues unabated. This group is the Lashkar-e-Tayiba only but now operating under a new name. It is an age old trick of these groups to change names so that there is an element of surprise for the security agencies.

During the raid in Sopore, the police arrested, Ahtisham Farooq Malik, Shafqat Ali Tagoo, Musaib Hassan Bhat and Nisar Ahmad Ganai. A police official who questioned the four said that they were reporting to their handler in Pakistan.

He goes by the name Andrew Jones and on the group, he operates under the ID of Khan Bilal. The group is called as TRF/JK Fighters-The Resistance Front.