India calls for reform of UNSC in accordance with changing times

India calls for reform of UNSC in accordance with changing times


India calls for reform of UNSC in accordance with changing times

The ‘Question of Equitable Representation on and Increase in the Membership of the Security Council’ has been on the UNGA agenda for well over three decades.

India thinks it necessary to conduct a reform of the UN Security Council in accordance with modern demands ensuring a more fair representation of developing countries, Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar said at the UNSC open debate entitled Maintenance of International Peace and Security: New Orientation for Reformed Multilateralism.

“Member states from Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Small Island Developing States should have credible and continuing representation in the Security Council. Decisions about their future can no longer be taken without their participation. Equally important is to make working methods and processes of the global institutions, including this Council, more accountable, objective, and transparent,” the Indian Foreign Ministry quoted him as saying on its website on Thursday.

“The ‘Question of Equitable Representation on and Increase in the Membership of the Security Council’ has been on the UNGA agenda for well over three decades. While the debate on reforms has meandered aimlessly, the real world meanwhile has changed dramatically,” the Indian top diplomat stressed. He was visiting UN headquarters in New York on the occasion of India’s presidency of the UNSC.