India has no dependence on Russia but still will not ditch a Time tested friend

India, the world’s largest and oldest democracy will not ditch its time tested Friend Russia. India being the single largest buyer of Russian weapons has nothing much to do with this policy. It is just that Russia has always helped and backed India whenever most required.
How can Indians forget the threatening done by that rouge Nixon and his lackey the then British Prime Minister. Both had sent their Naval Task Forces to prevent India from decisively defeating Pakistan.
Next the way these countries together with Western Europe had ganged up against India in 1998 when in spite of all their United efforts, India had blasted its way through into their much vaunted Nuclear Club.
Today India is an economic power and a military power too which can look after itself against any Chinese aggression on its own. So all talks that India is not denouncing Russia because of its weapon dependency on Russia is all nonsense and nothing else. India follows its own independent foreign policy and has done so from 1947 itself.
For all the success of the U.S.-led campaign to isolate Russia on the world stage, India has stood out as one major democracy that will not boycott Russia but only ask to halt the War at the earliest. After all why did NATO made Ukraine cross the Russian RED LINE. Has USA forgotten why the Cuban Missile Crisis had taken place ?
Though QUAD governments the U.S., Japan and Australia — must have exerted pressure on Government of India to help urge Russia toward a cease-fire. After meeting Modi in New Delhi on Saturday, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida called for more cooperation between democracies while noting Russia’s war has “shaken the global order” …… though he did not clarify whose WORLD ORDER ? PM Modi, by contrast, only spoke on economic issues.
The Indian Modi will also hold a virtual summit on Monday with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Even the U.S. Undersecretary for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland — who has helped coordinate the American response to Ukraine — is expected to visit New Delhi later this week and will meet the Foreign Secretary or at the maximum the Minister of State may give him an audience.
India is no doubt presently the world’s largest buyer of Russian weapons. However it owes no explanation on this to any country, not even SAM DADA. China’s growing military assertiveness has been amply checkmated by India on its own and other neighbour, Pakistan should not try anything funny as Ukraine’s example should be more than enough. Yes India will things it requires from even the USA, in case they are willing to sell, but not if USA attaches its and buts with it.
India presently operates over 250 Su-30MKI Russian-made fighter jets, eight Kilo-class submarines and more than 1,200 Russian-made T-90 / T72 tanks — all of which are operational for another decade plus. In the pipeline are weapon systems worth about $10 billion that include a nuclear submarines SSGNs, frigates and S-400 air defence batteries.
So India is not going to switch over to any Western Systems even if they give it free!!! Yes India is certainly moving on the path of Self production of things Indian as per its own plan. Overall 70 % success has been achieved.
While India has supported calls for a cease-fire and a diplomatic solution, it abstained at the United Nations on votes for draft resolutions condemning Russia’s invasion that were ultimately vetoed by Moscow.
So far the U.S. and its allies have sought to avoid an open rift with India: a joint statement after Quad leaders spoke in the wake of Putin’s invasion failed to condemn Russia. They know that they need to remain more in India ‘s good books than the other way round.
That’s largely because India remains an important partner in countering China, particularly after deadly clashes along their Himalayan border prompted Modi to move more troops and Russian weapons to key hotspots. India has also changed laws to restrict Chinese companies and investment, banned over 300 China-affiliated mobile applications and cut back on visas for Chinese businessmen as the border standoff escalated.
“India is a really important security partner of ours now,” Donald Lu, assistant secretary of state at the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, told a U.S. Senate committee on March 2 when asked whether India could face sanctions for buying Russian weapons.
“We value moving ahead in that partnership,” he added. “And I hope that part of what happens with the extreme criticism that Russia has faced, is that India will find it’s now time to further distance itself.”
Real nightmare for people like Donald Lu should be thinking about and briefing the American Senate about a solid Russia – India – China economic grouping. Instead Richard M. Rossow, Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies at The Centre for Strategic and International Studies foolishly talk about Russia becoming closer to Pakistan. It’s high time that USA and UK forget about any India Pakistan hyphenation …..It is like hyphenating USA – North Korea.
India will not ditch Russia also it only abides by UN dictated Sanctions and therefore will do what is best in our own economic and National Interest. People like Miller of the Council on Foreign Relations may keep invoking LIBERAL INTERNATIONAL Order. It will cut no ice with India.