Indian Navy boards ship captured by pirates, rescue carried out

Special forces of the Navy “boarded MV and commenced sanitization, the press service of the Indian Navy said
PAN Indian warship intercepted the MV Lila Norfolk cargo vessel earlier captured by armed people near the Somalia’s coast, the press service of the Indian Navy said. The MV Lila Norfolk cargo vessel sailing under Liberia’s flag with around 21 crew out of which 15 Indians and had been captured near Somalia’s coast earlier.
“INS Chennai diverted from Anti-Piracy patrol [and] intercepted MV Lila Norfolk” at about 15:15 p.m. [12:45 p.m. Moscow time, 09:45 a.m. GMT], the Indian Navy spokesperson said. Special forces of the Navy “boarded MV and commenced sanitization,” the spokesperson added.
The Liberian bulk carrier was transporting cargo from Brazil to Bahrain.
India currently has deployed four destroyers — INS Kochi, INS Kolkata, INS Mormugao and INS Chennai — as well as Talwar-class frigates and missile boats in Arabian sea to ensure maritime security. A Contingent of Marine Commandos or MARCOS too are there. In addition are P8I maritime recce aircrafts and drones.
After all it is te Indian Ocean and it is India which will ultimately give guarantee for Indua’s Ocean.