Indians Welcome Biden’s Summit for Democracy

Indians Welcome Biden’s Summit for Democracy


Indians Welcome Biden’s Summit for Democracy

Indians not only In India but spread all over the World have welcomed the fact that their Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will be attending the US-proposed Summit for Democracy. India and USA do not agree on many things and each pursues its own independent foreign policy.

However USA is the largest democracy by geographical size, whereas India is the largest democracy by population. It is also the oldest democracy with democratic traditions going back even much before the Nanda Emperors that more than 2500 years. The so called British democracy stands nowhere in front of it.

So both India and USA have an obligation to the rest of the World to ensure spread of democracy and also ensure prevention of thwarting of democracy by any dictatorial powers.

By Indian Prime Minister going for the Summit, rest of the World is now aware that soon India will be taking up its true position on the World Stage. Coming together of two such giants of the World gives hope to the rest of the World, especially to the people of Afghanistan, Middle East, African countries, Taiwan and enslaved people in Xinjiang and Tibet.

The US has sought to enlist the participation of India because now no cou try on this Earth is in a position to ignore India an awakened economic and military giant. The US Administration knows and has seen that The Indian PM can not only mesmerize the Indians but also people of numerous other countries.

Also even the USA now has an ever increasing population of Indians who Can swing votes in the US. it is no secret that President Biden’s party is going to face a very rough time in next year’s elections. 

The report said that in ancient India, they were practicing evolved democracy much earlier than the British or others or others, who we’re still struggling to come out of the jungles.

The list of participating countries and regions for Biden’s summit for democracy is more than 100. The report explained that some are and democracies of Europe, others are from Asia and Africa. Naturally gross dictatorial countries have not been invited, the biggest culprit being China.

The annual assessment of Freedom House, a US nongovernmental organization, has recorded a systematic erosion of freedom to the Chinese people.

“Happy to have participated in the Summit for Democracy at the invitation of President Biden,” Modi tweeted earlier. This has been welcomed by a huge majority of the Indians.Now there will be hope for freedom to forcibly captive nations like the Tibetan, Quigher people and the Baluchs.