INS Vikrant To Start Acceptance Trials Very Soon Prior To It’s Commissioning

INS Vikrant To Start Acceptance Trials Very Soon Prior To It’s Commissioning


INS Vikrant To Start Acceptance Trials Very Soon Prior To It’s Commissioning

It seems that INS VIKRANT is nearly ready and soon will start its harbour trials for various equipment and system on board. Once the harbour phase is over, then next phase of acceptance trials that is Sea Trial of the Aircraft Carrier will commence.

Therefore the Ministry of Defence has now signed with the Cochin Shipyard Limited the Phase-III contract for Construction of the Indigenous Aircraft Carrier on October 31, 2019.

The Phase-III contract covers the operational and harbour acceptance trials of various equipment and systems installed on-board and also the Sea Trials of the Carrier.

The contract also covers some activities which are to be undertaken post delivery of the vessel including support during weapon & aviation trials.

The contract was signed at the Ministry of Defence between Ms. Nidhi Chhibber, Joint Secretary & Acquisition Manager (Maritime Systems), MoD and Shri Suresh Babu N V, Director (Operations), CSL.

The contract value is above Rs. 3,000 crores.