Japan-Australia Pact Shows That India will not Join Any Defence Pact

Colonel Awadhesh Kumar
USA tried its level best but could not prevail upon India to join a defence pact against China. India refused to become an American poodle by turning the Quad into a military block.
So as a next step AUKUS was formed like an Eastern NATO which Japan refused to join. Now there is a newly signed Japan-Australia bilateral defence agreement which may not be a bad idea because Indo Pacific is certainly a direct concern of both Japan and Australia. It should be welcome to New Delhi as the naval forces of both the regional countries will be counter balancing the Chinese Naval Forces. This will prevent move of a large PLAN fleet into the Indian Ocean Region.
The above thus benefits India too because China’s power is as much a problem for India and any effort to counterbalance it should be welcome. However, such formal, institutionalised security cooperation, still does not absolve India from expanding and strengthening its own Navy. History shows that Indo Pacific is as much a responsibility of India as is the Indian Ocean Region.
So even with two new security treaties in the Indo Pacific region, New Delhi needs to ensure that there is no let up in continued expansion of the Indian Navy and extra push to the LOOK EAST Policy. However joining AUKUS or turning QUAD into a military block is certainly a NO NO.
USA is quite worried about China but not because it has India’s interest at heart but because of its own interests. Regional countries are also worried now days regarding UNCLE SAM’s prowess, Will and intentions to take on China. They all know that only one country will stand up to China and that is India. Japan till date had a defence treaty with only the US for defence of its own territory. This has now changed, as Tokyo increasingly realises American limitations.
Japan is improving its relations with France and UK. Japan has also signed an agreement with India on ‘reciprocal provision of supplies and services’ between their military forces. This agreement is meant to facilitate military exercises rather than deep military cooperation. The Indo Pacific region is certainly seeing a rising China as a big security threat. So now countries like Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia have started looking up to India for closer ties including defence purchases.
India too has taken the Initiative. The sale of BRAHMOS missiles and other items to Manila is a clear display of intentions of NEW Delhi. Even Beijing or should we call it Peking ( after their naming game in Arunachal ) is now aware that any next misadventure in Himalayas will also spill into the Indian Ocean Region. The initiative to take the battle into the Ocean will be that of India because the Chinese Jugular vein ( shipping trade lanes ) passes through the Indian Ocean Region. No matter what, the Chinese Navy can never match the Indian Navy within the Indian Ocean Region.
Notwithstanding the above, India remains positive about the Quad, because cooperation among the members itself is a formidable obstacle to Chinese expansionist ambitions. At the same time India will continue its effort to balance China through Shanghai Cooperation Organization, through its bilateral relationship with Russia, Iran and countries in the Middle East. India is also strengthening its relationship with Central Asian countries so that it can play its true role in Afghanistan, once upon a time a part of India itself.
So by now it must be very clear to USA and UK that no matter what, India will never join a military block. Also in any cooperative grouping, India will join as an equal only and will not be dictated by any other power. Yes it will go for bilateral pacts with the regional countries and keep improving its relationship with like minded friends.