Kuwait To Enhance Defence Cooperation With India

Kuwait To Enhance Defence Cooperation With India


Kuwait To Enhance Defence Cooperation With India

India was one of the first countries to recognise Kuwait’s independence and is currently in process to expand its security and defence partnership with the Gulf region. Oman and Quatar already have deep defence cooperation pact with India. Saudi Arabia and UAE are also close behind..

Now the Oil rich state of Kuwait has also opened an office for defence attaché in Delhi eyeing to ramp up security cooperation.
In a statement to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), the Kuwaiti Ambassador to India Jassim AlNajem said opening of the military office in New Delhi attests that there is a real desire to increase defense and security cooperation between the two friendly countries.

During a reception hosted by the Kuwait Embassy to welcome head of the Military Liaison Officer Colonel Fahad Al-Shammari and Assistant Head of the Office Colonel Nawaf Al-Obaidan in the presence of Arab ambassadors and heads of Arab military officials in New Delhi, the Kuwaiti ambassador affirmed that the opening of the military office is an expression of a firm desire to enhance cooperation in the military fields between the two countries and is expected to help increase exchange visits by concerned officials and conducting bilateral and multilateral military exercises.

It is expected that the military office will work to enhance defense and security cooperation between the two countries by participating in a number of military events, exhibitions and conferences held by India from time to time, the ambassador said.

India also imparts military training to personnel from neighboring and Arab countries in the Indian military institutes.