Eggs With Green Yolks, See Pics

Being an ardent foodie, when someone talks about eggs, I am immediately reminded of the ‘Bulls Eye Eggs’ with a yellow runny yolk, perfect to dip a slice of bread in it.
However, when I saw the eggs that were being laid at a farm in Kerala, my imagination went for a toss. AK Shihabudheen, a resident of Malappuram, recently posted some pictures and videos of the eggs laid by hens in his poultry farm and it has shocked people. According to The News Agency Chickens at his farms are laying eggs with green yolks.
“A few days back, I was talking to a few friends about this and they were also curious. It was then that I decided to post this on Facebook,” he said. Sharing details of the rare green eggs, Shihabudheen said:
“It was nine months ago that we first got such an egg with a green yolk from a hen in our small poultry farm set up along the house.”
“We were astonished at first and did not use the egg to consume. All the eggs which the hen laid were this kind and so we started to incubate the eggs.”
And to everyone’s surprise, out of the 6 chicks that hatched from these eggs, a few started laying the same kind of eggs-with green coloured yolks. That’s when the family, including his son, started consuming the eggs. Shihabudheen says that the eggs taste just like any other egg.
The news of the rare eggs spread like wildfire and soon officials of Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University visited Shihabudheen’s farm.
The poultry experts of the University have since started conducting tests to find out the reason for this unique phenomenon.
“We have started doing a few tests to find out the reason behind this. This is a rare phenomenon, and there is a high possibility that it might be because of the feed that is given to the birds,” said Dr S Sankaralingam, Assistant Professor of Poultry Science.
However, Shihabudheen says that all the hens in his farm, including the ones laying the green eggs, are fed with the same feed consisting of rice and coconut oil cake. “This is the usual feed that I give to all poultry, and some days we also give organic kitchen waste from the house,” he adds.
This rare happening definitely left us perplexed. Hope the researchers are able to determine this andey ka funda ASAP.