Massive Genocide Being Committed By Pakistan In Baluchistan : India Must Provide Military Aid To Baluchistan Freedom Fighters

Elements of the Taliban are open to talks with the Afghan government, US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said March 13 as he arrived in Kabul on an unannounced visit. Mattis flew into the war-torn city two weeks after Afghan President Ashraf Ghani unveiled a plan to open peace talks with the Taliban.
/ AFP PHOTO / Thomas WATKINS (Photo credit should read THOMAS WATKINS/AFP/Getty Images)
As on date there is no internet connectivity in whole of Baluchistan except a few big cities like Quetta, Loralai, Zhob and Sibi. However, prior to the launching of recent military operations in the region by the occupying Pakistan Army, Internet services in these cities too have also been blocked.
Baluchistan is situated in the southwest of Pakistan and covers an area of347,190 square kilometres. Area has vast reserves of Gas and mineral resources.
Pakistan has been plundering Baloch natural resources for the advantage of Punjabi Sunnis since last 72 years. As per national census in 1998, over two-thirds of Baloch population of nearly eight million people live in rural areas. Even then the rural areas have been deprived intentionally of Internet connection so that people cannot share their plight with external world. Due to the media blockage no news are coming from the areas of operations.
By contrast, India as precautionary measure has now temporarily blocked internet connectivity only in the Kashmir valley of the entire state of J&K (UT of J&K + UT of Ladhak + POK + COK). This area where Internet is blocked is about 15,948 Square Kilometres in area which is about 7% of the total area of entire undivided JAMMU & KASHMIR. Compare this with Baluchistan an area twenty times that of Kashmir Valley with no Internet services and no media allowed to report. None of the International Media is allowed to go inside this vast area of Baluchistan.
As per reports, Pakistan Army is committing massive Genocide in its Occupied Baluchistan. Pakistan Army has launched a massive operation with about an infantry Division along with helicopter gunships. They are carrying out killing in Kohistan, Marri, Kohlu, Sibi & the surrounding area of Tadhi, Shakha & Daho.
International Human Rights Organizations including UN Geneva, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and others must intervene immediately and send fact finding missions in Balochistan, there is a Catastrophic Human Rights Disaster underway, that cannot be undone.
India may have no options left but to help out the Baluch people in this hour of distress.
Noted Journalist Tarek Fatah also tweeted the same “#BREAKING – Pakistan Military launches a massive operation in occupied Balochistan involving thousands of troops. My sources say #Pakistan Army has moved into the #Kohistan Marri #Kohlu areas, #Sibi and the surrounding area of Tadhi, Shakha, Daho deploying helicopter gunships.”
As per another report by The Balochistan Post from Kohlu, Pakistani forces have launched an operation in the Bambur, Tuli and Turkari areas of Kahn, besieging the general population.
During Operation the Army, the blocked mountainous routes, conducted house to house search and banned all types of traffic.
In a Tweet Waris Baluch also shared the information that “Heavy military movement underway in #Kohistan Marri & Dera Bugti suburbs. A massive scale of bloodshed is going to take place in coming day because the Pakistani invading army is backed with gun ship helicopters and artillery. “Another twitter handle of Kahaan Baloch @KahaanBaloch also shared similar information: “Kohistan Marri: Deadly military offensive are still going on in different areas of Kohistan Marri”
Earlier in another Tweet, Waris Baluch had mentioned, “NEWS ALERT. Report of massive scale of military offensives by invading Pakistan army, accompanied by Air Force, heavy artillery, moving towards Kohistan Marri regions via Sibi & Barkhan. It is worth mentioning that the army said “NOW OUR ENTIRE FOCUS IS BALOCHISTAN”.
As per a local source from Baluchistan he escaped the area where the operation was being conducted and once he reached an area where he had internet access, he provided us the following information. He could not take the pictures or record the video as carrying such images on his mobile phone could land him in trouble.
As per our source, “Pakistan Army is abducting and taking people away in Extra Judicial manner. House to house search is taking place. Male members or families are being blindfolded and taken away by Pakistan Army to unknown places. Women and children are left in destitute with their only bread earners being taken away. There is no hope to all those families if they will ever be able to see their disappeared male members alive.”
As per sources on conditions of anonymity, these operations are a retaliation by Pakistan Army for the vast protests witnessed on 14-August 2019, which was celebrated as a Black Day in the entire Balochistan. It is pertinent to mention here that 14-August is celebrated as an Independence Day in Pakistan.
However, Balochistan is not Pakistan, hence it was observed as a Black Day. The videos and images of the Black Day on 14-August 2019 showing protests by Baloch people went viral over Twitter and other social media platforms. #BalochistanSolidarityDay and #14AugustBlackDay trended on Twitter on 14-August 2019.
As per our source, these massive protests throughout Balochistan had rattled dominated Pakistan and there were demands to crush this growing rebellion among the people. If this rebellion of common people is not crushed now, Balochistan will soon separate from Pakistan and will form an Independent nation. There was a fear among the Pakistan top Military brass that in the event of a war with India, Balochistan Freedom Fighters will stand with India and will annihilate Pakistan Army from entire Balochistan Region and declare Independence. If that would happen, that will be a repeat of 1971 when Bangladesh got Independence from Pakistan.
As per the report received from the local source, Pakistan Army is committing gross human rights abuses as a revenge for Baloch people expressing their desire for freedom. There is no media coverage of these atrocities as all the media is under the control of Pakistan Army and all the news are censored. We have covered about Media censorship in later part of this article.
Roads have been blocked and barricades erected. People from those areas are not allowed to go out of those urban areas from the fear that the news of atrocities of Pakistan Army may not reach the outside world. It should be noted that the entire Pakistan ISPR troll machinery is working on raising Indian Kashmir issue and spreading fake videos and raising concerns of Internet blockade in Indian Kashmir.
There is a fear in Pakistan Army that if the news of Atrocities on Balochistan people will reach to the outside world, the same Human Rights Organizations including UN Geneva whom Pakistan has prompted to raise concerns for Internet Blockage, will turn their guns against Pakistan.
Bigger concern in Pakistan Army is that if the UN and Human Rights Organizations and the International Media is allowed in Balochistan and the truth of over a million people disappearances, the mass graves, selling of people for organ harvesting comes out, the Pakistan Army top brass will be tried in the International Court of Justice for war crimes on people of Balochistan.