Money Splashed : Over INR 29000 Crores spent in USA presidential election

Money Splashed : Over INR 29000 Crores spent in USA presidential election


Money Splashed : Over INR 29000 Crores spent in USA presidential election

According to Financial Times, Harris collected more than INR 19500 Crores and spent INR 16150Crores. Trump, in turn collected INR 15300Crores and spent INR 13600 Crores

US presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris together spent a record over INR 29000 Crores (US $3.5 bln) on their election campaigns, making the 2024 presidential campaign the most expensive in history, the Financial Times writes.

According to the newspaper, Harris collected more than INR 19500 Crores and spent INR 16150 Crores. Trump, in turn, collected INR 15300 Crores and spent INR 13600 Crores.

The bulk of the money from both sides went to media and advertising.

The paper points out that INR 850 Crores or 14% of all spending – went towards Trump’s legal expenses.

Meanwhile, nonpartisan political finance monitor Open Secrets reports that an enormous amount of INR 46750 Crores has been spent on the 2024 White House race, which is at odds with the Financial Times’ estimates.

US presidential candidates’ election campaigns are financed from personal and party funds, individual donations and funds raised through political action committees.