Mosque Open Day To Be Held Annually Now In Rockhampton

Mosque Open Day To Be Held Annually Now In Rockhampton


Mosque Open Day To Be Held Annually Now In Rockhampton
NOTHING was off the table for discussion for hundreds of people at the Rockhampton Mosque today.

People of different cultures and faiths all gathered at the Islamic Society of Central Queensland and engaged in open conversations about multiculturalism and the Islamic faith.

President of the Society, Binil Kattiparambil, said in his five years at the mosque he had never seen the room so vibrant and full.
He said about 250 non-Muslim people came to the four hour event at the mosque who were supportive and intrigued by his initiative, making it a huge success.

“We sat and shared stories of our lives over coffee and cupcakes in out Salaam (Peace) Cafe,” he said
Everyone was very supportive and were open with discussion which enabled lots of feedback to be given to live in a community of harmony and peace.

“We are trying to create an environment where people are free and feel safe to ask questions.”

Binil said the successful event featured a number of guest speakers including Member for Keppel Brittany Lauga, Queensland Police Service spokespersons and Deputy Mayor Nigel Hutton.

The highlight of the day was the intensive Q & A session which Binil said was full of insightful and unlimited questions.

“People asked about Sharia, about hijabs and about our culture- nothing was ruled out,” he said.

Binil said the event was such a success that it would now be held annually