Moving away from use of dollar irreversible

The minister drew attention to how “inadequately and grossly the American leadership and its satellites are abusing their position in the world economy” in an attempt to force other countries, including the CIS countries, to follow a path of illegitimate unilateral sanctions imposed by them against unwanted states, in particular Russia.
The movement to abandon the use of the dollar in mutual settlements in favor of national currencies in world trade is irreversible, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a press conference on Friday following his visit to Uzbekistan.
“The departure from the dollar has begun; it is not very fast yet, but it will certainly accelerate. This trend is irreversible. The Americans have already seriously cut the bough they were sitting on, using the dominant role of the dollar when managing international finance and the world economy in general,” he said.
The Russian Foreign Minister noted that “additional decisions on the development of trade and economic cooperation between CIS countries” are currently being prepared, and will be submitted to the Council of Heads of Government on June 8 in Sochi.
“Among them are plans on signing an agreement on free trade and services, which will give a very important impetus to our economic cooperation and a number of projects that are dedicated to increasing our overall technological independence from the lawlessness the West is creating <…>, including in the sphere of global finance,” he said.
The minister drew attention to how “inadequately and grossly the American leadership and its satellites are abusing their position in the world economy” in an attempt to force other countries, including the CIS countries, to follow a path of illegitimate unilateral sanctions imposed by them against unwanted states, in particular Russia.
“The impudence of Western representatives <…> who are responsible for the issue of sanctions goes beyond all limits and is perceived as a complete lack of respect for the independence of countries that are subjected to this kind of pressure, these kind of threats,” he stated.
“The path of sanctions is a path to nowhere. Serious countries, serious politicians draw appropriate conclusions, and these conclusions are unambiguously in favor of ending dependence on the West and in favor of developing mechanisms that will allow normal countries that respect their independence and respect partners to develop their economies and live in accordance with their interests,” Lavrov concluded.