Now It is The Vikings Who are Trying To Give Sermons To...

Now It is The Vikings Who are Trying To Give Sermons To India On Kashmir


Now It is The Vikings Who are Trying To Give Sermons To India On Kashmir

A country which have hardly any known history before the 11 th Century AD came into existence only after centuries of Civil War is now trying to give sermon to India on Kashmir.

These Vikings who have been totally silent on the massacre and ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits from the Vale of Kashmir, now feel like issuing sermons to India against the continued restrictions and political detentions in the Valley. They have even extended their nose into internal affairs of India by trying to comment on the abrogation of certain provisions in Article 370 and changing the status of Kashmir. This will certainly not be tolerated by India.

Sweden needs to warned for discussing the situation in Kashmir in the Swedish parliament being an internal matter of India. Sweden’s foreign minister Anne Linde called for lifting of the remaining restriction in the region even as she emphasised upon bilateral “political solution” between India and Pakistan. Linde should refrain from equating Pakistan with India in any way.

“We emphasise the importance of respect for human rights, that an escalation of the situation in Kashmir is avoided and that a long-term political solution to the situation must involve Kashmir’s inhabitants. Dialogue between India and Pakistan is crucial,” Anne Linde told the Riksdag or parliament on Wednesday. The response was to a question raised by MP Hakan Svenneling if the foreign minister intended to take any initiatives due to the escalated situation in Kashmir.

Anne Linde responded by saying, “The situation in Kashmir is worrying and the government is closely following developments. Sweden and the European Union (EU) have had direct contacts with both India and Pakistan on this issue. Together with the EU, Sweden is closely following the changes that have taken place in Jammu and Kashmir’s constitutional status and notes information that has emerged about how the development affects the situation for human rights.”

We Indians are wondering as to where her concerns had gone visiting when Kashmiri Pandits were being butchered and driven out by terrorists. Also Swedes need not worry themselves about India, instead should worry themselves regarding turmoil in Europe.

The foreign minister of Sweden will be part of the delegation accompanying King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden on a state visit to India during December 1-6, 2019. So she should have refrained from opening her mouth like this as it may lead to a COLD SHOULDER response to the Gustaf’s visit to this Country.

Government of India has presently just ignored this Swedish behavoiur but will surely give a befitting reply if the Vikings persist in such offensive behaviour.

Sweden which is part of the UN observation force United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP), which had been monitoring the ceasefire between India and Pakistan since 1949 but later unceremoniously bundled out from Kashmir by India because of their partisan actions.