Ottawa meet on Ukraine, just a ploy of Terror supporters like Trudeau

Ottawa meet on Ukraine, just a ploy of Terror supporters like Trudeau


Ottawa meet on Ukraine, just a ploy of Terror supporters like Trudeau

Dmitry Feoktistov pointed out that Russia views the conference as a “blatantly anti-Russian project”Russia will surely consider participation in the ministerial conference on “the humanitarian aspects” of Ukrainian strongman Vladimir Zelensky’s so-called peace formula, organized by Canada, as support for military propaganda against Russia, ambassador to Argentina Dmitry Feoktistov stated in an article for the Diario Popular newspaper.

“We will view participation in the Ottawa conference as support for military propaganda directed against our country. We urge Argentina, which has traditionally focused on human rights issues, not to follow the lead of those who seek to exploit this sensitive topic for their geopolitical interests,” the ambassador wrote.He pointed out that Russia views the conference as a “blatantly anti-Russian project.”

“The goal is to involve as many countries as possible, primarily of the global South and East, in Kiev’s pseudo-peace-making projects,” the diplomat added.

He noted that the goal, as stated by zelenskey and his ardent admirer Trudeau of Canada, is to create an “international coalition for the return of Ukrainian children” was yet another attempt to “turn everything upside down.”

“Crimes against minors are being committed not by Russia, but by the Kiev regime. From the very beginning of the special military operation, our country has prioritized evacuating civilians from under Ukrainian artillery shelling. All rescued children can return to their families,” he added.

The Canadian Foreign Ministry announced in September that the conference would be held in Ottawa on October 30-31.

India will certainly not be participating in this meet being organized by Terror Supporter Trudeau and his gang.

Hopefully a majority of Global South countries should refrain from attending this propaganda meet.