Pakistan Still Trying To Cling To Uncle SAM

Pakistan Still Trying To Cling To Uncle SAM


Pakistan Still Trying To Cling To Uncle SAM


PM Khan of Pakistan will be on his maiden visit to the US since assuming power following the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s victory in the 2018 general elections.

The PM of terror exporter of a State Pakistan, will brief the US about Islamabad’s efforts for regional peace!! He will discuss the ongoing Pakistani support to the US talks with the Afghan Taliban.

Pakistan is ready to go further for Afghan peace and stability. Hope Trump does not fall into this trap because historically Pakistan has always been taking USA for a ride with respect to Taliban.

It seems Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan will also l seek US President Donald Trumps help to resolve the longstanding Kashmir issue with India when he meets the American leader next week in Washington.

“The Prime Minister will definitely take up the Kashmir issue with the US President and seek his help for the resolution of the dispute with India,” said one official.

As if Uncle Sam is any position to pressurize India on this issue. Trump should better give a dressing down to Pakistan and ask them to banish terrorism once for all or risk own banishment.

Islamabad had also been urging talks with New Delhi and Khan will provide details of the country’s efforts so far to President Trump. Modi and India are in no mood to listen to any of the Pakistanis excuses any more. Also Trump is advised to not to trumpet on this subject any more.

Senior Pakistani officials at the Foreign Ministry said that the agenda was being worked out for the July 22 meeting at the White House.