Pakistan’s ‘Kashmir Toolkit’ proves to be a dud like the Chinese Missiles

Pakistan’s ‘Kashmir Toolkit’ proves to be a dud like the Chinese Missiles


Pakistan’s ‘Kashmir Toolkit’ proves to be a dud like the Chinese Missiles

According to the details of the Pakistan toolkit, a hashtag called ‘RedKashmir’ has been formulated for this disinformation campaign on August 5

The Imran Khan-led government of Pakistan had earlier prepared Pakistan’s ‘toolkit on Kashmir’ ahead of the 2-year completion of the abrogation of Article 370 on August 5. The ‘toolkit’ was designed by Pakistan to mobilize global forces and lobby an anti-India agenda worldwide through the use of candle marches, protests outside Indian embassies across the world, and a massive Twitter storm.

India was to be targeted and ‘gheraoed’ over the abrogation of Article 370 using both physical protests and social media handles of various agencies, as per the toolkit. Pakistan had hoped to rope in scores of influencers, activists, NGOs, government agencies, and diplomats who would peddle the beggars nation’s propaganda on Kashmir. A major part of Pakistan’s agenda was to also demand the release of ‘political prisoners’ in Jammu and Kashmir.

However Pakistan’s infiltration in J&K and its attempts to peddle terrorism onto the Indian soil was countered strongly by Indian Army and Indian security forces after the abrogation of Article 370 and virtually brought down to zero.

Pakistan has resorted to unleashing disinformation campaigns across the globe in a desperate attempt to defame India. Though hardly any country is even noticing it, except its die hard supporters like China and Turkey.

Pakistan continues to be listed on FATF’s ‘grey-list’ for terror funding repeatedly. However Pakistan via its toolkit is attempting to paint a picture of ‘oppression’ in Jammu and Kashmir.

According to the details of the toolkit, a hashtag called ‘RedKashmir’ has been formulated for this disinformation campaign. It is to be launched on August 5, on the anniversary of the abrogation of Article 370.

An organization named “Stand With Kashmir’ created in October 2019, immediately after the revocation of Article 370, is being used for this purpose. Its website is already ready with scores of material for the anti-India campaign ranging from pictures, videos, posters to others.