PLA in no position to defeat Taiwan’s Armed Forces

PLA in no position to defeat Taiwan’s Armed Forces


PLA in no position to defeat Taiwan’s Armed Forces

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) thinks that it has superiority over Taiwanese Forces but its only on paper.

PLA ‘s paper superiority is of no use in carrying out an amphibious operations against an independent fully prepared country like Taiwan.

In the event of any attempted amphibious assault, PLA is likely to suffer over 75% casualty before the assaulting force is able to establish a proper beach head.

Thereafter in a direct clash with the Taiwanese army, the PLA forces trying to move inland will simply get decimated because Taiwanese will be fighting a Do or Die battle against the invading forces of Communist China.

It is simply not understood as to how the Central Military Commission of China is even dreaming of quickly establishing full control over a free country like Taiwan which is fully prepared to thwart all Chinese military designs.

The PLA also needs to keep in mind that te moment they launch an amphibious assault against Taiwan, there will be a full Liberation movement launched by the Uyghur people of Xinjiang for regaining freedom.

Also all the while Tibetan people will simply go for the much awaited Liberation. Though Chinese experts just to please te Politburo give statements “In this exercise, we used our superior forces to significantly weaken the Taiwanese army’s defences and activities.

It is envisioned PLA maritime and air forces, along with China’s coast guard, invading the island of Taiwan from various directions and blocking it from all sides.

“Booms the almighty CMC “a sharp sword pointed directly at the so-called defensive space of the Taiwanese authorities. The intensity of pressure will be unprecedented, fully demonstrating <…> the ability of the People’s Liberation Army to control the island from all directions and in various areas,”.

The daydreaming Chinese expert added that this scenario could be transitioned from exercises to actual combat operations “at any time.

“The Chinese armed forces when deployed at night after the Galwan incident on the LCA between India and Chinese Occupied Areas of Ladhak near the Indo Tibet border, quickly found out their inability fight at night in high altitude.

So now they are now trying to pump up their Forces to “quickly go on the offensive straight from the march, demonstrating a confident fighting style, a high level of training, and the ability to achieve excellent results in actual combat operations.

“During the paper exercise “PLA naval forces, primarily destroyers and frigates, attacked Taiwan from four directions at once.

Meanwhile, aircraft – mainly fighters and bombers – rushed across the Taiwan Strait and approached the island of Taiwan.”

In case PLAN tries out the above then they will actually be sinking all their ships by own fire. Thereafter nothing will be left over even for the Taiwanese Coast Guard, except picking up PLAN survivors from the sea.

The dream of controlling a free democracy like Taiwan needs to be simply jettisoned as countries friendly with Taiwan will just not sit and watch.

Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te said on October 10 that Taipei remains committed to keeping its status as an independent Sovereign Country. The country will defend its ” sovereignty,” he said.

In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning again repeated that Taiwan was a part of China.

Taiwan has been an independent nation since 1949, when Kuomintang forces led by Chiang Kai-shek (1887-1975) established the country after the Chinese Civil War.

Though Communists of Beijing considers Taiwan a province of the People’s Republic of China.