PoK residents reject Islamabad’s calls for Kashmir, demand freedom

The people in PoK and Gilgit Baltistan have been held forcibly since 1947 under Pakistan’s illegal occupation. People fed up of Pakistani rule are now demanding that Pakistani Occupation forces and administration must leave the territory.
Kashmiris of PoK are highlighting the stark difference between PoK and the rest of Jammu and Kashmir, the Union Territory of India.
The people of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) have strongly rejected Islamabad’s call for ‘Kashmir Solidarity Day’ on February 5 and have demonstrated against Pakistan’s forcible occupation.
The residents of PoK and Gilgit-Baltistan opposed Kashmir Solidarity Day, which is being observed in Pakistan misleadingly to show their support for the Kashmiris. Exposing Pakistan’s deception on Kashmir, the residents in PoK are suggesting Islamabad look at its shortcomings instead of doing propaganda on the issue.
Toqeer Gilani, a political activist in PoK, while expressing his anger, said, “According to the resolution of the United Nations, Pakistan is bound to take care of the needs of the people here.”
“On one hand, Pakistan announces to express solidarity with Kashmir on February 5, on the other hand, the same dispensation denies the basic rights to the people under its control. We can see that the propaganda of Kashmir is being used rapidly this year in Pakistan to distract attention from the movement that is going on here,” he added.
Though Pakistan’s propaganda on Jammu and Kashmir has no takers, it has continued to promote disinformation and hype for decades now.
Unfortunately, the rulers in Pakistan have chosen to remain selfish at a time when the people there do not even have food to eat.
There are widespread protests in Gilgit, Muzaffarabad, and other areas under Pakistan’s illegal control over issues such as wheat subsidies, load shedding, poor education, and unemployment.
People in these regions are rejecting Kashmir Solidarity Day, stressing that it holds no importance in the current scenario.
“Neither February 5 has religious significance nor does it hold any historical importance. It has neither diplomatic significance nor legal importance,” Toqeer added.
Shaukat Nawaz Mir, leader of the Jammu and Kashmir Joint Awami Action Committee, said in his address, “We have had a dispute with Pakistan for years now that these dams are our property and we should have control over these resources. We have been fighting for our rights for the past 76 years. The politicians in PoK have failed to provide us with these rights, which have forced us to sit on the roads.”.
On the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day in Pakistan, locals and several organisations in PoK are being seen raising slogans of independence. Slogans like “Kashmir Banega Khudmukhtaar” or “Kashmir will become independent” are echoing in the region.