Senile Hurriyat Leader Thinks That UN Secretary General Is Above The Indian...

Senile Hurriyat Leader Thinks That UN Secretary General Is Above The Indian Parliament


Senile Hurriyat Leader Thinks That UN Secretary General Is Above The Indian Parliament

Senile Hurriyat separatist leader and terrorist sympathizer, the Chairman Kashmir Institute of International Relations (KIIR) Altaf Hussain Wani has made “passionate appeal” to United Nation (UN) Secretary General Antonio Gutters urging him to mount pressure on India to revoke all anti-Kashmir laws including new domicile law. The chap is under the illusion that UN Secretary General can dictate to India. Even USA and China do not have such illusions any more.

Wani should himself reflect that it is only in a country like India where people like him can have such freedom to yap against the Country itself.

He said that new domicile law violates the UN resolutions that provide basis and structure for final disposition of the state through a fair and free plebiscite conducted under the auspices of UN. This chap forgets that the resolution is no more valid as the UN itself has failed to ensure vacation of the entire occupied areas from Pakistani Forces.

Wani can keep urging the UN Secretary General, High Commissioner for Human Rights Michele Bachelet, Human Rights Council President Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger, member states and civil society to impress upon India to revoke all laws which violate the United Nations resolutions of 13th August 1948 and 5th January 1949. It makes no difference to the people of India and to the people of Union Territory of J&K. Our Indian Parliament is Sovereign.

Referring to international covenants, which strictly restrict and restrain occupying states from altering demographic character of occupied area, Wani said, “The state of Jammu and Kashmir is an internationally recognised dispute between Pakistan and India that falls under Geneva Convention and Hague Regulations of 1907, which prohibit occupying states from altering the demographic character of the occupied area.”

Wani forgets that J& K is an integral part of India and it is the Pakistani forces who are in illegal possession of nearly one third of J& K. One day India is going to get it back, no one should disregard the resolution of the Indian Parliament on this, it will be done.

India is a signatory to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, but now the UN resolutions on Kashmir has become invalid because of UN failure to remove the Paki Forces from illegally occupied areas. India is legally and morally bound to protect the rights of Kashmiris as defined by the Indian Constitution and Indian Parliament.

Pakistan desire to change the demography of POK has been operational since the day when it forcibly occupied the territory of Jammu and Kashmir in 1947”. The physical elimination of the Hindu population in J& k was formally started in 1947 followed by Pakistan military incursion in Kashmir.

About abrogation of the Article 370 and 35A of the Indian Constitution, the Wani memo bleated that revocation of these laws led to bifurcation of the state into two Union territories. “This was merely done to fulfil the long-pending demand of Hindus to ease the restrictions of purchasing land/property inside the Muslim majority areas and trigger an inflow of settlers on large scale in the region”, the memo added.

Irrespective of what chaps like Wani reason or say, the constitutional Changes brought about by the Indian Parliament will further decimate Pakistani efforts to spread terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir and integrate the Union Territory to the Indian Union.

The world community will have to play its much-needed role in addressing the issue of State sponsoring of Terrorism by the State of Pakistan.

The KIIR chief should know various minority groups in Pakistan are chaffing under the domination of a few vested interests the people of Balochistan, Sind, Pakhtoonistan and POK are struggling for their right to self- determination despite all complexities hope that sooner or later the international community will fulfil its responsibilities and play its role in the resolution of the longstanding problems. In case nothing works then India will have no choice but abolish the Radcliffe Line itself.