Sindhudesh Movement : Modi’s Posters Raised At Pro-Freedom Rally In Sindh

Sindhudesh Movement : Modi’s Posters Raised At Pro-Freedom Rally In Sindh


Sindhudesh Movement : Modi’s Posters Raised At Pro-Freedom Rally In Sindh

Dated : 19 Jan 2021 (IST)

Sindhudesh is a demand for a separate homeland for Sindhis which was emerged in 1967 under the leadership of GM Syed and Pir Ali Mohammed Rashdi.

An ardent follower of the principle of Mahatma Gandhi, GM Syed was the first political prisoner after the creation of Pakistan and spent around 30 years in jail in the country.

According to a report the protesters claimed that Sindh is the home of Indus Valley Civilisation and Vedic religion which was illegitimately occupied by the British Empire and was delivered by them in the ‘evil’ Islamist hands of Pakistan in 1947.

The poster of Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with other eminent leaders of the world was raised in a huge pro-freedom rally in Pakistan’s Sindh province.

The rally organised to seek their intervention for the freedom of Sindhudesh was held on the 117th birth anniversary of GM Syed, one of the founding fathers of modern Sindhi nationalism. The rally which took place in Syed’s hometown of Sann in Jamshoro district on Sunday, witnessed participants raising Pro-Freedom slogans.

“Sindh wants freedom from Pakistan” read the posters which also mentioned the names of other eminent leaders like US President-Elect Joe Biden, Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani, Bangladesh’s Sheikh Hasina, France’s Marcon, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman, Russian President Vladimir Putin, German chancellor Angela Merkel, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, British PM Boris Johnson, etc.